Murder is not wrong.


Pickle Queen
Society allows rapist, child molesters, serial killers free, how is that balanced?

Society exists for people to give themselves titles, a sense of importance, I think society is the problem, everyone thinks their opinion is gospel and have nasty entitlement issues.

I dunno seems the animal kingdom is doing alot better then we are

Sorry im slow, damn bongs r going down like water tonight ;)


Well-Known Member
well stuff like aids and hep c, etc... all brought upon yourself.
Other diseases, you really cant help
So people who got Aids from their doctors or bayre asprin company or got it from their husband or wife- 'brought it on themselves'

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Society allows rapist, child molesters, serial killers free, how is that balanced?

Society exists for people to give themselves titles, a sense of importance, I think society is the problem, everyone thinks their opinion is gospel and have nasty entitlement issues.

I dunno seems the animal kingdom is doing alot better then we are

Sorry im slow, damn bongs r going down like water tonight ;)
You'll be going down like water soon. ON ME.


Well-Known Member
Society allows rapist, child molesters, serial killers free, how is that balanced?

Society exists for people to give themselves titles, a sense of importance, I think society is the problem, everyone thinks their opinion is gospel and have nasty entitlement issues.

I dunno seems the animal kingdom is doing alot better then we are

Sorry im slow, damn bongs r going down like water tonight ;)

Evil exists in the world as much as good does... even if it seems bleh, wrong, just like society is evil... its a balance on a larger scale than we can see... because good means so much more than evil does, lol basically quality of good over quanitity of evil


Well-Known Member
So people who got Aids from their doctors or bayre asprin company or got it from their husband or wife- 'brought it on themselves'
how often does that happen? In all seriousness, what percentage of std victims didnt do it to themselves? its a small number who didnt


Active Member
Society allows rapist, child molesters, serial killers free, how is that balanced?

Society exists for people to give themselves titles, a sense of importance, I think society is the problem, everyone thinks their opinion is gospel and have nasty entitlement issues.

I dunno seems the animal kingdom is doing alot better then we are

Sorry im slow, damn bongs r going down like water tonight ;)
ahh yes those cows are doing wonderfully on farms awaiting their death.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Evil exists in the world as much as good does... even if it seems bleh, wrong, just like society is evil... its a balance on a larger scale than we can see... because good means so much more than evil does, lol basically quality of good over quanitity of evil
If we cant see it how can you. :roll: Youre sounding like a religious freak now. You WANT it to be that way, so youre making excuses to keep believing. Keep believing. :) You need to finish step one, admitting that you have a problem. Then you can move on to step two. Giving yourself up to a greater power...... Wait WTF!?!?!


Well-Known Member
If we cant see it how can you. :roll: Youre sounding like a religious freak now. You WANT it to be that way, so youre making excuses to keep believing. Keep believing. :) You need to finish step one, admitting that you have a problem. Then you can move on to step two. Giving yourself up to a greater power...... Wait WTF!?!?!
im not religious in the least. I only acknowledge existance of a god, dont follow any religion.
You have no faith in man, so you see the world how you want it to be seen.
Step one, admit you have a problem