Let me start off with yes, if you are in it for the cash, you can't do any better. Also, cut that shit out with the cakes. Really. Once you go bulk to will be f'ing AMZED, and no longer really care how much you are charging per gram, you;ll be more interested in figuring out how to get rid of the "excess" shroom. Really. Such a concept can exist.
And yes, I've gotten ripped off with < then a real 1/8, and no, I didn't care that much. But I knew I got ripped off.
I KNOW when I buy an 1/8, it can be a single dose, a 1/2 dose, or a double dose. I depend on the person selling it to price and weigh to dose at that point when pointing out the cost / dose ratio, but I do NOT expect them to say they are selling me an 1/8th for a certain price and it to not weigh an 1/8th.
That's just wrong. And annoying. And as a shroomer (even if in it for the money, I assume you enjoy them), I assume you'd like to do less harm to others. So try to be honest about the transaction, and let the buyer make an informed decision. Price higher for higher potency, but let them know.
On to the other side. When I am growing, I take into account mushroom type production VS potency.
The cubes (as opposed to the pan cyans) in general all are of the same general potency, but pins are often higher, but cannot be depended on. So when I weigh out, I try to ALWAYS use full stems and caps. The bag of pins (not a trivial collection) can sit there and laugh at me, I don't need them, and I might accidentally do a 20x dose with them.
Freshness counts. Enjoy those specially timed harvests. And try to use a gentle dry process. Zero or low heat with low speed box fan for 2 days is the way to go.
BUT penis envy is SPECIAL! Roger Rabbit is the MAN, go google and read up if you don't know him already. Do NOT dose yourself with penis envy as if it was anything else. Try 1/4 of your normal, and then add a 1/4 dose every 30 minutes until you are "done". In my case, as someone who's normal cube dose is about 3-4GMs, my penis envy dose is about 3/4s of a gram. That shit is SPECIAL. Have your diapers handy of you disregard this suggestion. It is also tougher to grow, at least the strains I had.
After growing out a few dozen strains, I settled on some major producers and went to work. I'm not selling it, but I want to never have to buy any again.
Enjoy, and keep your workplace clean. Cleanliness is next to godliness, especially in this endeavour.
Oh, and now that you've bought all those lights and figured out you don't want them, it's ok. Give them to a friend along with some advice, and make a deal form him to return 50% of production as long as he is using your equipment. Everyone wins.