Mushrooms growing along side my girls?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I just went down to check on the ladies and found some mushrooms groing onlong the side of the pot.

Anyone ever have this happen? is it an issue? should I pluck them from the soil? kinda tough to see with the LED going but the first picture I tried to shine some light in to take a better picture



Active Member
I'll pull it now, it's on the edge of the tub so I can remove the soil around it without messing with the girls.

So no mushrooms for my pizza



Well-Known Member
Seems to me that your soil is contaminated, unfortunately it's too late to transplant in new soil, keep an eye on it and pluck them as soon as you see them....good luck.


Active Member
Does this happen from time to time? I'm a newer grower, anything I should do in the future to prevent this from happening again?


Well-Known Member
you do not need to worry about it. it a good sign, an extra decomposer too. it wont hurt your mj. i would eat em, no im just kidding dont eat the mushrooms but they are fine in the soil, good sign healthy soil.


Well-Known Member
ya pull that shit, dont eat it btw. can you remove the infected soil? i just hope you dont grow a truffle haha
"Infected" soil removal? Good luck. What shows on the top with fungi is just the tip of an upside-down iceberg. Till your soil regularly and this does not happen.


Well-Known Member
Pick them when you see them.
You dont want them to drop spores into the air.
what makes you believe this?

most spores, are not toxic, especially if they came from a fruiting mushroom body(and not a mold). plus those spores would only serve the purpose of extending the life of that fungi. i would let them sporulate.

also fruiting types of fugi would have a hard(the odds are out there!) time germinating on a plants body so no worriey about them "infecting" the plants either.


Well-Known Member
"Infected" soil removal? Good luck. What shows on the top with fungi is just the tip of an upside-down iceberg. Till your soil regularly and this does not happen.

even so "tilling" is not removing or really even hurting the fungi. preventing it from forming fruits yes. but once no amount of fruiting fungi will hurt your plants.

go and look in the woods if you dont believe me, there are grass and mushrooms growing right next/on top to/of each other right now.


Well-Known Member
Id keep all mushrooms removed due to them wasting your soil space, no need to be letting mushrooms spores linger around creating new ones.