Mushrooms in Pennsylvaina

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
ive found wild mushrooms before but is it common? and do you know a site tht i can use as a sort of "feild guide for magic mushrooms"?


Well-Known Member and are great resources. I read up there before trying to find some around where i live.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Haze,

In all sincerity, unless you want to be another person giving mushrooms a bad wrap by accidentally ingesting the wrong ones I would recommend not going "shroomin."

However what I would recommend is growing your own indoors. Its easier, safer, funner, and alot more interesting. My friend just did it, got a couple batches, we had some fun, and best of all it was safe. The only reason why I am stresing safety is because I too live on the eastern seaboard and am familiar with mycology, and can tell you there are alot of imitation shrooms such as "DeathCaps" which very closely resemble the "gold tops" jester spoke of. (Which are a cubensis).

A syringe of spores would cost you about $25 and it is legal to buy in the US. The brown rice and vermiculite and 1/2 pint mason jars together cost about $12, and a fruiting chamber (clear rubbermaid tote) runs about $8. Not expensive in how it generates 4X the amount in final product, and in all it takes about 6 weeks. This is by far the easiest, safest, and most educational method of shrooming, and the only method I would ever recommend to someone.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
It's easy to ID cubes, the other ones you would find in the pastures look nothing like them.
However I agree that growing your own will give you more, not the method described but growing to bulk, search for monotub and wbs prep on the shroomery to see what I'm talking about...