Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

i just ordered some spores. its been about 15 years sence i gave this a go. first time it worked well till i was fucked up on klonapins and left the lid off my thing. i have some b+ pe and the amaz. coming. any input on what 1's i should start off with? i was thinking the amz !'s as those were the kind i tried years ago. any other strains out there i should give a try? also i be going the pf tek route because it worked for me the first time unless there is a better way. im not looking to do bulk just messing around for my own head

each tek has its ups and downs pf teks up is colonization time and less risk of contam, other methods take longer but produce more, I would start with the amazons also, just cause i really like those. never had b+ though.. golden teacher seem to be a fan favorite
My b+ jar was inoculated back in October. Still only about 60-70%. I don't know if the slow growth is typical, just sayin...
The other jars that were done at the same time ate just finished with their last flushes. The jar seems healthy, just slow. Is it really done?
Moving at a slow steady rate since November. Slow being the operative term. Fixing to use some prints I took from the last round though...
So how many flushed you guys usually get from your brf jars? When I first started out I was getting 4 or 5 before they contam or just stopped producing. Now, I'm getting 2 huge flushes and that's it. A 3rd comes on slow and is hardly worth the space. Think maybe I have everything dialed in and they are using up most of the nutrients in the first two? I haven't actually weighted the total biomass from 2 flushed compared to my previous attemps, so I'm just speculating here.
i have some spores on the way. im going to have to get schooled in this cloning thing. its probly been 15 years sence i tried to grow boomers
So how many flushed you guys usually get from your brf jars? When I first started out I was getting 4 or 5 before they contam or just stopped producing. Now, I'm getting 2 huge flushes and that's it. A 3rd comes on slow and is hardly worth the space. Think maybe I have everything dialed in and they are using up most of the nutrients in the first two? I haven't actually weighted the total biomass from 2 flushed compared to my previous attemps, so I'm just speculating here.

the most I got from any cake was 8 flushes, my most recent set of cakes went 6 flushes on average one or two going for 8 again, most of the flushes after 5 are one single giant mushroom... none of them ever contamed, they fully spent themselves, but i reckon it could be possible for it to expend itself fully in even less flushes....

I should add i dont use the regular brf formula, i use 2 parts brf one part ground wild bird seed.. and then use that as my brf when following the rest of the brf tek, same amount of verm as regular brf.. could be i have more nutrients available for longer because of this..
i have some spores on the way. im going to have to get schooled in this cloning thing. its probly been 15 years sence i tried to grow boomers

nah its super easy to do a clone lc, and just a little more complicated to do clone on agar, though much longer process, much more time consuming.
So just started my first go. PES Amazonians, using brf and a SGFC. Any tips from anyone who has done this strain before? Nocced up about, oh, 4 days ago, and i think i saw the hint of the beginning of growth today.

I know i got some time yet til full consolidation (at least another 2 weeks) but i just want to have some ideas in mind by then. Anyone grown em? And thoughts on cloning are welcome as well. I will be taking prints no matter what, just so i dont have to order syringes again, but should i find a cloneworthy cap? Or should i just wait til grow 2 (i have a syringe of Costa Ricans waiting)?

Awesome thread, and thanks for any tips!

So just started my first go. PES Amazonians, using brf and a SGFC. Any tips from anyone who has done this strain before? Nocced up about, oh, 4 days ago, and i think i saw the hint of the beginning of growth today.

I know i got some time yet til full consolidation (at least another 2 weeks) but i just want to have some ideas in mind by then. Anyone grown em? And thoughts on cloning are welcome as well. I will be taking prints no matter what, just so i dont have to order syringes again, but should i find a cloneworthy cap? Or should i just wait til grow 2 (i have a syringe of Costa Ricans waiting)?

Awesome thread, and thanks for any tips!


1. Make multiple LCs

2. Make multiple clone LCs

3. infinity grows