
They are other worldly and amazing to watch grow
Yeah i know like terrence mckenna said. The thing is i took yesterday 2g of not so good mushrooms and i bassically falled asleep. The trip started in one hour or so, then i went in the garden to watter my flowers and i felt a wierd presence(something alien or idk how to say it) when i went in my room it feelt something was comunicating with me through feelings or telepathically but the batch was pretty mild. This thing happened to me 3 years ago when i took them). The pressence feelt kinda friendly and easy going but not really lovingly it was kinda strange...Yeah acid to mee feels more like brighter o or lighter still ethereal but more in a clear sense, mushrooms have something strange about them that u can t get ur hand on...
I haven't met any mushroom beings. I do however feel that the mycelium organism the mushrooms come from is a sentient organism that uses the mushrooms to help teach us about the ways of the earth. I have only been taught positive good things through the mushrooms. Any challenging trips I've experienced were due to my own inner trials I needed to overcome to reach the goal of unity with myself, the earth and universe.
I haven't met any mushroom beings. I do however feel that the mycelium organism the mushrooms come from is a sentient organism that uses the mushrooms to help teach us about the ways of the earth. I have only been taught positive good things through the mushrooms. Any challenging trips I've experienced were due to my own inner trials I needed to overcome to reach the goal of unity with myself, the earth and universe.
As long as you know the basics of chemistry and biology it stops being mystical. Mushrooms are in their own category. I tried many drugs in my life, but nothing can compare with good mushrooms. I used to smoke a lot of pot, but at one point it just grew up to me and I stopped. Luckily, a good friend of mine recommended a really good website that had a huge variety of shrooms. I decided to give it a shot and ordered lion's mane mushroom. Now I can easily say that it was the best decision in my life because the product was too good. That is why I would love to recommend it to everyone who is looking for an unbelievable experience.
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