Musk scuttles last minute budget deal

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
The task at hand is to avert a government shutdown . After that happens there will be time for all the pork to be reviewed . I doubt pediatric cancer research will be cut from the final budget .

This seems to be a tactic used time after time , procrastinating until the last minute and then ramming through tons of special interest stuff in a "save the government from shutdown" panic . It shouldn't work like that .


Well-Known Member
Elongate continues.

This goes along with Musk saying that posters on X are the 'media' now.

Apologies for the lame sports analogy. I feel better when my team wins than I do when they lose. However, I'm not a win by nay means necessary kind of guy. If it was found they won by cheating, I'm out. Done.

There needs to be checks and balances. Too many people are saying things that are flat out lies and it gains traction. I don't get it.

Even when they admit they lied, Haitians eating cats, those that perpetuated the lie can't admit they were wrong.
Being proven wrong is a learning moment.
Probably goes along with the "sociopath" diagnosis dumpys niece Mary gave him. I think some have issues admitting wrong.


Well-Known Member
I read through most of that 1500 page budget.....I am very glad it was stopped. I don't care who stopped it.
Our country's mainstream media is so full of propaganda it has become unreliable.....that's why people stopped watching it.
It was a CR, not a budget. They (the house) didn't even pretend to try to pass a budget this year.


Well-Known Member
It seems Musky and Donelle don't know the difference between a budget and a continuing resolution either. Some of the changes they were asking for were not possible with a CR. So team red were not able to do what they asked. So that was a fail that didn't have to happen if they knew how government worked. Own goal type thing.