

Well-Known Member
Use some grammar before you try and reply, where exactly in those two sentences did i EVER say that the london bombings didnt happen??? your a complete prat,
Im not going to post anything else on this because when i do people dont even read it, they just see words that are not in their favour and talk shit about it.

Grow up

Things arent just black and white its not ALL muslims are terrorists or their not, you just think far too 2-dimensionally.
He will be back.


Well-Known Member
has the world gone fuckin crazy been watchin this documentry about muslims an the effects round the world it started with austrila these muslims running about beatin any 1 thats not a muslim an tellin the girls on the beach 2 cover up or be raped a place were sunbathing is world wide known an they gang raped a teenage girl now the aussies r changin things 2 suit them then in scotland they lifed a young lad at 15 drove him off an stabbed him 20 times as he screamed im only 15 i dident do nothing an the pour,d petrol on him then light it in england they hav changed the name christmas to x mas to suit them in places an they our even scared 2 metion the word muslim on tv incase it offends , i myself was in roural ireland a few weeks back where the old foke still speak galic an went in2 a shop 2 get ciggys an a bunch of muslims jumped out an stood round me like i was in to rob the place . there,s an old sayin when in rome do what the romans do , these people has no respect 4 any 1 that believes diffrent from them every country the go 2 they demand people to change there culture to suit them an then they call you raisis by no means am i but these people our a joke i think keep them out an you wont hav a prob , just my views what do you,s think.... peace
personally, i know a bunch of those, work with them, went to university with them and still got some showin up for my sunday bbq after church, even don't mind the rest of those christians lining up for the steaks. and that gone stay that way for sure!:mrgreen: 99% of them are cool, 0.5% bit strange and the rest as nuts as some christian folks i met in the bible belt:roll:


Well-Known Member
Therein lies the point. Many people use the Judeo-Christian God to justify murder. Hell, even genocide has occured in his name. Every religion has its nuts, you psychotic hatemongering bastard.

Oh, and just stop Mark. You say you have said nothing incorrect? You claim Islam comes from Asia numerous times in your posts, as I have kindly pointed out is WRONG to save you some face. Instead, you go off on anyone and everyone. Honestly, I'm asking you to stop. More and more you're making yourself look like an idiot. It's not even the grammar skills.


The Gardener
i know plenty of muslims myself and they are all pretty decent people that live by there holy book an pray im sure them docters that did the glasgow/london bombs and the oz. docters that help plot it were decent people to the people that lived near them all seemed to think so
The brain surgen that did the glagow bomb was born in the uk and raised of the uk state money and learnt his education to become a brain surgen and then just desides to blow every one up
Now this man must of been a really smart and trusted man same as the other doc,s so what makes him want to go and blow himself up and other innocent people his own people at that as he was british to
there being brain washed by somthing becouse the people in britian or any of the other countrys that have this problem britian ,austriala ,spain ,us , are not at war with them

if i knew why they did this i,ll keep my peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
i know plenty of muslims myself and they are all pretty decent people that live by there holy book an pray im sure them docters that did the glasgow/london bombs and the oz. docters that help plot it were decent people to the people that lived near them all seemed to think so
The brain surgen that did the glagow bomb was born in the uk and raised of the uk state money and learnt his education to become a brain surgen and then just desides to blow every one up
Now this man must of been a really smart and trusted man same as the other doc,s so what makes him want to go and blow himself up and other innocent people his own people at that as he was british to
there being brain washed by somthing becouse the people in britian or any of the other countrys that have this problem britian ,austriala ,spain ,us , are not at war with them

if i knew why they did this i,ll keep my peace:peace:

^^well. i guess that is the freak you find in every group if you generlize or stigmatise people. there is the "legal" gun owner that goes nuts at his Virgina university, there is the doc that suppositly committed a terror act (well actually we should leaf this on to the courts too).

i think the biggest lesson that has to be learned is not to overreact on every shit and be not to sad if our time has come since it was in our hand how we spend the time till that determine date.:roll:


Well-Known Member
has the world gone fuckin crazy been watchin this documentry about muslims an the effects round the world it started with austrila these muslims running about beatin any 1 thats not a muslim an tellin the girls on the beach 2 cover up or be raped a place were sunbathing is world wide known an they gang raped a teenage girl now the aussies r changin things 2 suit them then in scotland they lifed a young lad at 15 drove him off an stabbed him 20 times as he screamed im only 15 i dident do nothing an the pour,d petrol on him then light it in england they hav changed the name christmas to x mas to suit them in places an they our even scared 2 metion the word muslim on tv incase it offends , i myself was in roural ireland a few weeks back where the old foke still speak galic an went in2 a shop 2 get ciggys an a bunch of muslims jumped out an stood round me like i was in to rob the place . there,s an old sayin when in rome do what the romans do , these people has no respect 4 any 1 that believes diffrent from them every country the go 2 they demand people to change there culture to suit them an then they call you raisis by no means am i but these people our a joke i think keep them out an you wont hav a prob , just my views what do you,s think.... peace
In Europe, the Muslims are pretty extreme. But much of the fault lays with the European governments and the EU. They let the people in in the first place, and so worried about offending them that they have become so politically incorrect that even many Muslims think they are crazy.


Well-Known Member
Dude ur rite,

I am a new Muslim and I've been researching Islam for 2 years now, and I've learned that many muslims are confused, taught, or beleive that you should be

"against" non-muslim PEOPLE!

Like some will purposly look for reasons to fight non-muslims (americans europeans,etc..) because they go against Islam (thats because they dont have a

complete understanding of Islam, theyre not muslims! how would they know EVERYTHING!) I know this because my friends did this and even tried to involve me into it saying that thats wat Islam really is, you should be against people who corupt this religion , etc...

And when thats over theyll get back to talking about how hard hey boned their girlfriend last night (which is VERY bad according to Islam) Ironic huh? (yea i know im on a website about marijuana! im ironic too!!)

Pretty much muslims these days belive that America, European countries, Australia etc are corupting muslims and ruining Islam by showing them how great pre-martial sex is, how great drinking alcahol is,(anything forbidden in Islam or "Haram") short, how great american lifestyle is!
They think ur the "enemy":) Well, to all muslims who think that way

Now i know this is a little hard on muslims, its hard on me aswell, but its the truth brothers. im speaking on behaf of all our beleifs and on behaf of Islam. We need to stop showing hatred towards non-muslims , because Islam never states that. It states to respect non-muslims so that you can set a good example, even if they still disagree with u and ur religion... Look at Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him).

From my knowledge , he didn't go kill (or even harm) someone who would purposly throw trash at him through their window just to mock him! As horrible as it is He would just ignore it and walk away knowing that it was just her ignorance. And when he found out the woman who threw trash at Him was ill , he actually went and visited her, just to give His respects ! She felt bad and stopped! He was an Honorable example of what a muslim really is.

He was the reason I converted to Islam:)

Muslims these days are confused about others beleifs, confused about whats , and even confused about what their religion truely is!!! But Insha Allah we will change someday... Hopefully the world will be able to get along a BIT better in the future, war may not ever end, but hopefully there will be a better understanding between us people

