must be doing something right!


Active Member
hahahahahahahaha! ZING!

it's just like whenever someone calls something "retarded", it makes THEM sound intellectually challenged as calling something "gay" sounds gay. oh the irony.
listen dude, i call a spade a spade! if you read his previous thread you would call him a spade too! should read some of the insults, real well thought out.
all well deserved and accurate!


Well-Known Member
Oh no! Someone googled some catch-phrases! Look stranger on the internet, empty threats and some random jargon you heard at the recruiting station don't make you look any cooler, just so you know. You've already proven you can't even keep your own point straight; which is why one thread was locked, and this one is full of people, yet again, explaining why you're clearly confused. If that makes you all butthurt, I don't know what to tell you.


Well-Known Member
? googles some catch phrases????????????????? bitch i asked what fucking division a company you were in pog???????
Just Division and Company? You don't care about the Battalion? Isn't that kind of like a phone number without a prefix? Kinda useless without that genius. lol I'm not telling you shit, you're clearly talking out your ass.

Yes "googled some catch phrases", as in you went to google and tried to find Marine jargon to try and sound cool. You put question marks, so I assume you wanted me to clarify that one.
Just Division and Company? You don't care about the Battalion? Isn't that kind of like a phone number without a prefix? Kinda useless without that genius. lol I'm not telling you shit, you're clearly talking out your ass.

Yes "googled some catch phrases", as in you went to google and tried to find Marine jargon to try and sound cool. You put question marks, so I assume you wanted me to clarify that one.
i want to know what your job was i dont need your battalion. your a pog.


Active Member
hahahahahahahaha! ZING!

it's just like whenever someone calls something "retarded", it makes THEM sound intellectually challenged as calling something "gay" sounds gay. oh the irony.
so answer the fucking question already! what's this motivational 4 foot haze as good as the real deal because "short plants are just as good as tall ones". don't be a pussy, back your claim up with some evidence, in public, or just keep changing the subject and showing what pathetic lying sacks of troll shit you are.

yep... same shit on page two... ignore the question, change the subject, and talk shit like a stoopid ass preschooler on a playground. way to prove what a lying sack of shit you are. you can't anbswer the question, but you CAN change the topic.


the facts are on my side. keep changing the subject though... real fucking scientific and factual approach. such is the modus operandi of fucking MORONS. just like tea party losers... ignore the facts, talk shit, get in a circle jerk, and that's all the "facts" you need... just a butt buddy's dick to suck.

oh the irony!!


Well-Known Member
i want to know what your job was i dont need your battalion. your a pog.
You need my MOS to know what I was. Not my unit, dumbass. There's pogs in every unit, EVERY UNIT, down to at least the Company level. Someone with a clue would fucking know that. Do you think grunts magically don't need a clerk to keep their paperwork in order? Helps to know what the fuck you're talking about there, smart one. Maybe talk about something you actually know, because this is clearly something you are completely clueless about.


Well-Known Member
just wanted to know if you were atleats a respectable pog.
You wouldn't know a respectable pog if he smacked you on the head and introduced himself. Additionally, you were never in the Marines, clearly. So you were never a grunt. Therefore, you don't rate to call someone a "pog". The only thing you rate to call any of us is "Marine".
never said i was a marine, pog... and your unit does infact describe job, your a dumb pog. anywho ill be reposting pics when i cut down, gentlemen. i have samples of some very high quality cannabis (skywalker, tahoe og). Which i by the grace of god acquired clones of. Good day keep your nugs frosty and your head in the sky.


Well-Known Member
never said i was a marine, pog... and your unit does infact describe job, your a dumb pog.
Haha, whatever you say buddy. Clearly, I wouldn't know, I was only there. I know you were never a Marine, that's why I said you don't rate to call anyone a pog. You can keep saying it all you want, civvies acting like they know how shit works are so very amusing. :p Does it take alot of practice? Learning how to talk out of your ass like that?


Well-Known Member
lol might as well just let it go man, he obviously knows just as much about military as he does about strain/genetics :p


Well-Known Member
I've found that not only does STRAIN not matter, TEMPERATURE doesn't matter.

Neither do lights.

The only thing that matters is NUTES.

Throw enough NPK on a plant, and you can increase its cannabinoid content by 50-80%.

Best nutes, by the way, is cow manure.


Well-Known Member
I've found that not only does STRAIN not matter, TEMPERATURE doesn't matter.

Neither do lights.

The only thing that matters is NUTES.

Throw enough NPK on a plant, and you can increase its cannabinoid content by 50-80%.

Best nutes, by the way, is cow manure.
nah screw using cow shit, just use your own its free!!


New Member
If strains are not important . Why the hell did you reference how you were able to acquire these strains ? lmfao ..

--- i have samples of some very high quality cannabis (skywalker, tahoe og). Which i by the grace of god acquired clones of.----