do you have to wait til the white hairs on the buds turn red?i heard somewhere that you have to wait for them to turn red is this true? im about 40 days into flowering heres a pic
I usually wait till the hairs change color about 3/4 of the way down the branch. 40 days is just the end of week six, this is usually when the flowers really start to explode, look to harvest around week 7-8
Get a microscope and check the trichomes, when they are all milky you can cut and get less bud that gives more of a head high, if you wait till they all amber and the plants finished you will get more(buds put on most of their weight the last 2 weeks) couchlock buzz giving bud. if you harvest 50/50 between milky and cloudy you'll get a more mixed result. that plant has a long time left, at least 6 weeks.
If 75% of the hairs turn coulour this normaly means that your cropped is cooked perfect.But i would also check the thc glands to see if there the same coulour has larger.But it is well worth the wait you need to get this has near to perfect has possible.
your plant is no where close to being ready
if i brok into your grow room to still your plants i'll leave that
buds get 3times as big inthe last 2-4 weeks
dude WAY not close. it will be a huge waste if you cut that down anytime soon. have patience grasshopper. trust me you dont want to go through all the work just for it not to pay off in the end. you prolly have a little under a month.
your plant is no where close to being ready
if i brok into your grow room to still your plants i'll leave that
buds get 3times as big inthe last 2-4 weeks