Mutant growth


Well-Known Member
These plants have been on the edge for the last 2 weeks but I thought they were stabilizing, turns out I was wrong. I transplanted them 3 days ago and put them under a 600w hps about 28 inches above the plants. Temps are 80° lights on and mid to low 70s lights off with 50% RH checked at plant level. The older leaves continue to look bad and getting pale and a little crispy however the new growth is a darker green but a lot of the leaves only grow half a leaf off the main lateral vein or are missing parts off the main vein. They are in coco/perlite and I have been keping my ph between 5.8 and 6.2 with runoff being very close or a point lower. I have been feeding them GH flora trio but only at 1/2 recommended seedling feed strength when I do feed them because I thought at first I was over feeding. They are 3 weeks since sprout and seem very short and dense (all newer leaves growing on top of each other).Any suggestions what might be happening?

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Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking it's gotta be one of the following:

Poor seed genetics - Probably not...
Too much light - Probably not...
Too little light - Probably not...
Not enough nutrients - Probably not...
Too much nutrients - Thinking that's the one.

The reason I'm thinking this is because a seedling will live and grow healthy for a couple weeks on the nutrients it gets from water alone.
If it's been overfed it will take a while to straighten itself out - and in the mean time they will eventually be needing nutrients so it can be
tricky knowing when to start introducing nutrients again.

The only other thing I can think of is your water - Just make sure the water source is also growing other kinds of healty plants too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the insight, I was overfeeding them last week but then I switched to water & calmag only until some new growth started coming in that was really pale green and then I started weak nutes... maybe too soon. I'll just give em water with calmag until they really start looking like they are starving and see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it has an nutrient lock up and over watering. I can see the leaves cupping upwards stating too much water and the brown spots could be Mag Def due to the lock up of nutrients