Mutant weird plant ~~PICS~~


Well-Known Member
makes sense,thought u had them all mixed in with the dirt as well.just watch out for bugs,i need to get a venus flytrap in my closet to get those damn black flys that love the resin,those damn fuckers get stuck on the resin and die:twisted:
the other day i found a dead holloween bug stuck on a bud,it was kinda hard to get the corpse out.i hate bugs when growing.


stress sometimes makes plants do weird shit i have a few plants that i cloned while in flower then reveged itand the leaves are curling into circles.


Well-Known Member
whats that?
Molybdenum is an essential mineral. However, it's only needed in very, very small quantities.

Here are two different plants both showing molybdenum deficiencies. While both are decidedly different plants you will notice one thing both have in common--degraded leaf margins that appear to, in some plants (fleshy-leafed?) it appears to dry out the leaf margin to the point that it pulls in as though by a purse string.

Molybdenum deficiency in plants
The main symptoms of molybdenum deficiency in non-legumes are stunting and failure of leaves to develop a healthy dark green colour. The leaves of affected plants show a pale green or yellowish green colour between the veins and along the edges. In advanced stages, the leaf tissue at the margins of the leaves dies. The older leaves are the more severely affected. In cauliflowers, the yellowing of the tissue on the outer leaves is followed by the death of the edges of the small heart leaves. When these develop, the absence of leaf tissue on their edges results in the formation of narrow, distorted leaves to which the name ‘whiptail’ has been applied. Affected leaves are usually slightly thickened and the leaf edges tend to curl upwards, especially in tomatoes.
So.. there you have it. :)


New Member
Molybdenum is an essential mineral. However, it's only needed in very, very small quantities.

Here are two different plants both showing molybdenum deficiencies. While both are decidedly different plants you will notice one thing both have in common--degraded leaf margins that appear to, in some plants (fleshy-leafed?) it appears to dry out the leaf margin to the point that it pulls in as though by a purse string.

Molybdenum deficiency in plants
So.. there you have it. :)
so whats the home remedy to fix it then?


Well-Known Member
I started with mulch/woodchips, and the PH was all fucked up and my plants did the same shit.

Switch to Fox Farm and make sure you flush and get the PH down if it is high. Check out the journal started by Blacksheep312. And then check the journal of mine. Same grow/journal just continued w/ diff user name.


New Member
i dont think that the wood chips was the problem i added them about 5 days ago and growth actually seemed to go faster that could be because of the recent climb in temp. Was in 50's now in mid 60's or 70's heres pics of all of em.


Well-Known Member
if its halthy let it be bro, i have one of my ladies that is a few hotdogs short of a cookout,lol in other words i have a Retarded looking plant also out of my 7 bubilicious but its really healthy so i let it alone. as long as its a female i will be happy and it will bud


New Member
if its halthy let it be bro, i have one of my ladies that is a few hotdogs short of a cookout,lol in other words i have a Retarded looking plant also out of my 7 bubilicious but its really healthy so i let it alone. as long as its a female i will be happy and it will bud
Haha true that