Mutating Leaves? or severe environment damage?


Active Member
So these babies have been through a lot of mistreatment while i have been learning the ins and outs of maintaning my grow room.

They are stunted, burnt, over watered, underwatered and heatstressed... the only reason I Havent thrown them out is simply so to see if I can bring them back to some sort of health to tell me that i might be doing something right.

I had a look at them today and it looks like the new leaves that are growing are missing chunks. Has anyone seen this before? I have not physically damaged them in any way.

Could this possibly be from an air conditioner air that i have coming into the grow room? could this be from the temp going to 52 degrees at night to 75-80 degrees in the day? (i have since stabalized the temp issues). or could this mean that they are just beyond repair?



Active Member
Well don't throw it out, no point really. just try to maintain a good balance in how much your feeding it and watering, also its really important to keep air moving in and out , it should help.

as for the chunks missing from the leaves, its never happened to me before and there looking a bit on the yelowish side, but maybe its just the light or camera. so yeh just keep trying until it dies or gets better =]


Well-Known Member
hard to say what the problem is with all the stuff thats happened.

i had a plant outside once and i came back to it, noticed it had been fucked up by some bugs. most of the leafs had holes in, some leafs were just sliced in half. i put it back in my grow room and did everything right. she sorted her self out.

so all i could probably say to u is, jsut take care of it and it should help its self.