MY 1st closet grow


Well-Known Member
Things went great today i got them into bigger pots and purchased VooDOO juice today. I got 5 gallons distilled water jug with 2 tsb of grow bigX 5gal. and 1/4 tsp cal mag X 3gal,1tsp X5gal of big bloom and 1oz of VooDoo per gal(but i did 1/2 strength) so 2.5 gals was served. For my other 5 gal jug I just have PH'd distilled water at 6.5)according to my very pricy pen) with 1/4 superthrive per gallon and 1 tsp per gallon epson salt.

I am gonna feed every other. the little KUSH sprouts are just being watered with querter strength superthrive and thats it for them for now.

PH 6.5, temp is 75-78, hum. 50-60



Well-Known Member
plants are looking really good man, your makin me want to go to the hydro store and by that is on sale right now...nice dog too, here is a pic of my dog:) she is straight pussy magnet, cant walk her for more then 5 mins without gettin laid....he is a very cute little guy though, congrats that little shirt is fucking hilarious...
thats not a dog thats an overgrown cat


Well-Known Member
Ohh man come on...she is actually smaller then most cats:) but not as fickle or mean. Blinky i was thinking about when i went up to the store today....they sell them in singles (T5s) to0 that you can string together, so what if you tied them all up on one end and hung them in the air. then pulled the other sides down and out so they make kind of Christmas tree shape? then you just put your plants in the middle and it gets all kinds of light from the sides too. You could probably make it big enough to fit like 3-4 in there....i might just have to try it out they are only a little more expensive separate...
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Well-Known Member
Funny i was thiniking about something similar today at my grow shop, they only sell the by the 2's though. I want to wait till these guys get bigger then ill figure something out for side light. WELL, i transplanted the bubbilicious today. I had to lose the table though:-( makes the room look way more cluttered but as long as its clean and effective I dont really care. I think it went well, I fed them and kept the bamboo skewers in to help support them, got rid of the barrets though,LOL.



Well-Known Member
few more:? since the transplant i have noticed a slight sag in the leaves, but i think they will come around.


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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! yeah I'm not to worried about my drooping. i have a feeling they are gonna just exploid with growth in the next few weeks. I will keep the updates rollin LOL. I got a bad ass PH pen man it really lets me put my PH where i need it to the point. Its pricy but i figure why go through all this trouble and effort to end up getting NUTE lock in my soil down the road. and the drops stopped getting really hard to determine in that NUTE brakish water:-) how the hell can you tell green or yellow with NUTE water hahaha aight man gonna hit the hay and hopefully they GROW tonight.


I am new to the site and found your grow very impressive. I was wondering what nutrients you were using, and how you came to the decision on which nutrients to use?


Well-Known Member
lol they are in the pic above man. im using tiger bloom, it is made by fox farm too. it is mostly just the macro nutrients needed for flowering. what made you get the big bloom, i thought that was only a supplement? either way it looks like your definitely on the right track ill check back in later tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Anonymous Welcome and thanks for droppin in;-) yeah i posted a picture of everything i am using above but I left out a supplement called VooDoo juice which is supposed to help advance the root structure of the plants(i store it in the fridge after opening). Being that I plan to use cfl all the way through this grow i want to make sure my plants have a huge root structure to get the nutes they need to develope dense buds,thats my theory anyway. like Tryintogrow mentioned I am basically using the macro nutes to veg the plaint by Foxfarm(which are high in essential Nitro and other vitamins minerals) with the addition of Cal mag-calcium and magnesium,epson salt, and spuperthrive).keep in mind that since my plants are youngins I use lower doses of the Cal mag and big bloom.

TRYIN' whats up man, Yeah I got the big bloom because it has some very good trace elements of aminos and growth hormones. since i only have superthrive in my water and not my feed, i wanted my feed to have something high in B vitamines and minerals to stimulate these ladies.

All right guys thanks for droppin in and Anonymous feel free to stick around and share info. I am gonna get going to work. ttyl Thanks again


Well-Known Member
ohh ya, the only concern i have is the different level pots. is there a reason some are in smaller pots (containers). those are gonna have to stretch to reach the same light as the others. it looks like they already are, put a book under them so they are all the same light. you want the "canopy" to be all the same for thick concentrated growth.

Always tuned in.... HAPPY GROWIN


Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads up bro, I will get something under the kush's today. and thanks for being tuned in to my grow its really apprecited:-) not like i have too many customers,lol and its nice to get input on all of the hard work that goes into your grow ya know


Well-Known Member
hey no problem man, when you got such a sleek set up its entertaining to see the process and results. i dont know which i would use between the 400 and the t5s. i would probably flower with the t5s and set up the 400w else where for clones, seedlings, and maybe a mother :) isnt the t5 set up actually a whole lot brighter (lumens) then the 400w anyways?


Well-Known Member
no i think the 400 hps has 50,000 lumens, so 10 g's more but beside the lumens the buds resin a bit better under hps lights I heard. i think i am gonna just flower them with the Hps:-) Might as well use it and when i move the plants to 12/12 with the Hps ill set up a flowering table with the t5 for new seedlings of clones.

I noticed a lil bit of nute burn marks on a few leaves, nothing serious but i think i am gonna cut back to feeding every 2 waters. they are still young and the feed mix i put together is really potent. the water just has 1/4 super thrive per gallon and 1 tsp epson salt per gal.


Well-Known Member
things are going well for the bunch today:-) the bubs have grown since my last pick and so have the lil Kush. I wont ever start plants off at different times in a grow again, it just ruins the fluidity of the whole grow,lol. Anyways i am gonna get pics up here soon, one of my Bubbilicious does seem very mutated though, I am not sure but can You still keep a mutated plant? i mean the leaves just are shaped deformed, it looks as healthy as the rest just not as goodlooking of a lady:-)..........all right well I am dry on buds so it makes the whole growing process a bit harder i have found, i gotta get some buds ASAP my guys are out unfortunatly. Which might i add never happens so it reinforces why i am doing what i do/. PEACE


Well-Known Member
Stats: Ph 6.5(love the pen think everyone should invest in a bad ass PH pen)
temps 77-79 degrees humidity i am keeping around 45% right now, I havnt watered them in 3 days and don't think i will today either the soil felt moist 3 inches down and the containers have weight to them still. I am going to mix up another 5 gal of feed water and dose it a little weaker than the previous b/c i think I gave them too much nute in the last batch, so I will just water them with the PH'd distilled jug/has 2 tsp cal-mag,1/4 per gal superthrive and 1tsp per gal epson salt. plain on using this water for next 2 waterings then we will feed them some grow big and big bloom again. WELL