MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw


Active Member
Im new to growing and have had bad experiences b4 when i tried growing from bagseed and it died, now i have 10 nirvana skunk#1 seeds. 3 of them have sprouted and are now in pots, unfortunalty havent popped out of the soil yet. i think i have watered them too much but plz tell me wot u think of my setup. i have a lil flurescent tube light(blueish in colour), a heat mat under the plants. My temps are just below 80F i think, so thats ok. I have no ventillation setup.
Will my grow work?
how much do i water them?
how often do i use my plant fertilizer(its miracle grow all purpose btw)?
and that it for now, i will post pics when they break the soil, hope u help


Well-Known Member
water every 6-7 days and heat mat i never used other that that it would to veg not bud sorry dude get a mh or hps to flower all i can say bro


Well-Known Member
6-7 days? That seems like a long time. I water my planted seeds every other day until water drips from the opening at the bottom. My plan is to ease up once they start to develop. My last batch of seeds I watered every 3/4 days, and I just watered them a bit, and they ended up dieing. I might be going the extreme opposite this time but it will at least give me a suitable middle.


Well-Known Member
Once they sprout you will want to let the soil dry out really well between waterings. You might only water 1/week to begin with, but the frequency depends on many things. It is VERY important to let the soil dry out almost bone dry 1/2 way to the bottom, if you keep the soil wet or moist all the time I can guarantee the plants will die. The bigger the plant the more water it will need, the hotter the temps the more water it will need, the drier the air the more water it will need.

DO NOT give any fertilizer whatsoever until the plant has at least 6 good branches coming off of it, or 4-6 weeks has gone by. The soil has plenty of nutrients to sustain good growth, adding more fertilizer will only KILL the plant.


Active Member
thanks and yes i will buy a big 400watt hps when the plants are ready.
6-7 days man that ages r u sure(grow guides say every 24hours)
if i have watered them 2 much alredy, will they die
Ill update when they pop through, n i have added my fertiliser 2 my water(b4 i found out it was bad n had 2 be done every 2 weeks lol) so will this ov killed em( i only used less than half strenght but im worried


Well-Known Member
For one, the time between waters varies a lot by a whole lot of factors. Getting a moisture meter (like $10) will save you a lot of head ache.


Active Member
im guna get a soli meter thing, a 3in1, its measures how moist,the ph and how much light, all 4 8 quid. Anyways my power cut of 4 a cuple of hours so my lites went off. I tukk ma plant 2 a m8s but made a better set-up. It shot up 2 day but stem was slim so i put a fan in there(i duno if it will mess da temps up). and i have another that i can see but it luks like some clearish thing is on its leaf, so sumets happenin wi dat, and another planted but not popped up yet. If i only get 1 plant, it will be well shit if its a male, is there anyways to persuade the sex to be femal (without feminised seeds) lol. W>B peeeps.


Active Member
I would get some ventilation going on in there. those stocks are looking very toothpick like, and once u start flowering the stems wont be able to hold the wait of the buds. anyone else agree on that?


Well-Known Member
well i agree alot and u shouldnt use the marical grow soil just becuase of the slow realese
thats in the soil when the plants are young like 3 week or under they dont need food they already have what they need for a little bit till like 3 1/2 weeks or so so that soil could burn it or worse thn on top of that when it does need food it might not have what it really needs and if u went and feed it some ferts its going tto get even more like an overdose becuase of the time release in the MG and then u could run into more probs like lock out ,burn and whatever else.try changeing the soil.another thing when u germ the seed and its cracked open only bury the seed in the soil like 1/4 down in to the dirt dont bury too deep then it wont have the strength to get out and i like to put the seed side ways not the up or down sideways this way if the root turns and moves around like they do the plant aint really wasteing energy to face the right way it could just grow upwards toward the own personal doing the sprout poped out the soil in like a day or so real quick and ull have more room for the roots to grow down and everwhere.and another thing besides ur stems looking real weak those plants in the pic looks really stretch out u need more lights then just thta one tube speically for 2 or 3 plants get like 3 cfl's for each plant if anything.and to stop that stretch put those lights alot closer to the plant a good test is put ur hand or fingers between the light and plant closer to the plant and if u feel any heat move the light back a little till u dont try geting the light within like a inch or so that would be good cfl's dont give off alot of heat so nu could get them real close.and when watering them just water them till u see some drops coming form the bottom hole and look into the holes make sure all the soil down there is moist cuase if all thats not then u dont have a nice even amount of drainage threw the soil u dont want really any dry patches in there.and to know if u need to water again once the top soil looks dry put ur finger like an inch or more down in the soil if that lower soil is not moist and dry then water again like i said before how soil maybe dry but the underneith soil could be moist still .just think the top soil gets way more of the light and heat hiting it so it will dry up alot faster then the underneith part.good luck


Active Member
n im not using miracle grow soil, im using soil from a garden( i cooked it) im using miracle grow all purpose plant feed. So im not guna flower until my weedy stems get fatter, n until i repot into bigger pots. I dont no how to transplant a plant, do u put the soil its alredy in, in another pot with more soil, or do u get all the soil off the roots and then plant it in new soil.


Well-Known Member
no no no dont remove any soil fromur roots
almost garenteed to breack or hurt ur roots
ya all u do is take some new soil put it at the bottom of the new pot make sure its moist
try to make sure u put enough new soil so ur roots can grow down and everywhere they want and have the room too if u could put enough where when u put the plant in with the old soil still attached to the plant have it where the old soil is like either level to the top or a little under so u could add some to make level and pour some around the sides toothen make sure everything is moist evenly.thats how u should transplant


Well-Known Member
yes u could use those
if u put that hps close enough it wont stretch it
with any light it could stretch u just need to have them as close as possible then they wont