MY 1st Ever Grow, Need Help, Skunk#1 btw


Well-Known Member
they are like the same thing just made different
if anything get the ones that spiral up
and use the sides of the bulbs not the tip
this way u will get more of the light and k/lumens too
useing the tips of the light u only get the tip of everything and u have to wait for everything to hit off the walls and everything before it comes to ur plants and then u loss some good stuff from that
u want it to go straight to ur babys not sharing it with the walls and shit :0)
if ur going to go get some cfl's get the daylight ones with 6500k its more on the blue side of the spec which is for vegging ur plants and for flowering get the sorft or warm white 2700k more on the red side of the spec
and make sure they are equevalent to 100w or better so get the bulbs that are 23w or better . more is better


Active Member
I do they do look a bit sickly as if they grew a bit too fast without having time for the stem to develop. What lighting and soil are u using?


Active Member
just soil out of the garden but cooked to kill da insects. i am not using a gud light ino, so them bulbs in the pic are cfl. gdgd i need to know where to buy bayonet Y splitters in the uk i cant them anyway. thanks


Well-Known Member
lol i got these lights free in th epost too..from electicity provider.
i use them along side other lights.


Well-Known Member
you have your light too high .. thats why they are stretched out like that.
also a breeze will thicken the stems


Active Member
i have huked a pc fan up to charger, it runs really fast an i just hav it in there blowin on them its not exhaust or anythin, but it make my temps low (65-75) maybe. When they are to big im guna hav to move them somewhere else. im guna put a few of the energy bulbs in, then when they 2 big, they will go 2 my m8s, in there we will hav a 600w hps on 18/6 and a few of the energy 1 aswell, then when stems thiken n plant get bushy, im guna set it on 12/12. will my hps be suitablle for veg or not


Active Member
if i put 2 of these energy bulbs in, will they be bad if they are the rong colour temp coz if they the flower type then can i use them for veg stage as extra light


Well-Known Member
it wouldnt hurt u just want the blue spec ones cuase it helps alot better for vegging
the red is for flowering if u use it for vegging it just wont be as good as the other one it wont hurt it though and ya u could mix them too if ya want


Active Member
iva got temp issues with my new 600w hps, i have a fan in there but its still 110+ at plant level, wot can i do to reduce the hEAT OR WILL I HAV TO MAKE A BIGGER ROOM