My 1st grow, bagseed plants have gone through alot guys, so i soaked ur advice and...


Active Member
This is what my plants look like now, the pics im showing shows 3 of my 6 original plants, (along with 1 baby) i started off with 6 plants, 4 bagseed, 2 were my Chinese neighbors personally breeded seeds.

When i started i didnt kno much other than commen gardening, and i did not have any HID lights..

then i added 150w HPS and they began growing better but they just had all kinds of problems with sickness, overwatering, lights too far away stunted , stretched the list goes on.

So i learned more and more, and decided to let them VEG an extra long time (about 3 months) and 3 came out pretty good and i PUT THEM IN FLOWERING (12/12) about 4 DAYS AGO. The other 3 are growing, they just arnt filled out at all, and look more maleish too me, I STILL CANT TELL WHAT SEX THEY ARE....



Active Member
By THE WAY..i also added a 170w Mercury Vapor, so i have 320 total watts of HID lighting now which is ok, but it'll be a lot better when my 600w HPS gets here, and i buy some REAL seeds, plus i kno wut im doin some comparison pics, of how the plants looked less than a month ago...

