My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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Thts some mainlining there!


Jesus H...... That is how you DO IT! lol holy shit that's awesome. God I just want to grow pot for a living lol.
And I'll give this girl another week before she's ready to come down!
I say by next Saturday! The prevalence of the newer and exploding yellow pistils says to me that she's amidst a growth spurt this very moment!
I feel like I'm lookin at a couple ounces given how solid these colas are!
And The caregiver just brought me so more SLH, and he just went in for the smell test and agreed with me that we indeed have a Super Lemon Haze on our hands!

Anyways, here are some random shots of my SLH with 6 mains and 2 runts!
She wreaks of more pineapple and orange than lemon! Smells SOOO damn good!

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need a dam scratch and sniff looks good
That's the dream... i'm just trying to figure out which state is gonna be my best 'legal' option as a commercial grower... I want to be able to grow pounds and pounds with minimal fear of any legal issues and the ability to say i'm doing it legally (or as legally as possible)
I here that I hate running out and having to grab a bag from someone. Just aint the same

Hahah I never run out and grab a bag lol, my caregiver is papa johns haha! Deliver just what I need haha!
But helll yeah bro! I know what you mean man! I'm so glad to be outta the game!
i had him bring me over some more SLH so I can just cure this jack without smoking on it, as I'm out of everything else!
But again, you right homie! It just aint the same...

Also brought me maybe a gram of oil last night and OMG bro. I took a small step for mankind haha! Went str8 to the moon!
I bet ur about to be smoking good on that OG qleaner lol I'd call it Mr.Qlean!
That's the dream... i'm just trying to figure out which state is gonna be my best 'legal' option as a commercial grower... I want to be able to grow pounds and pounds with minimal fear of any legal issues and the ability to say i'm doing it legally (or as legally as possible)

Only knock on Colorado and Washington would be the outdoor weather right?! The knock on Cali is a little more given the state of the state lol. The weed's obvious cops the look the other way sometimes, but its more obvious that they don't look away and are looking to pop ppl...I'm thinking along the same exact lines as you are boss, but I'm thinking time is the best thing we have working for time ppl are gonna continue to rise up against the oppression of the medicine, and they feds gonna have to make a move to legalize or at least decriminalize when th see the states profits on papers....

if we legalized arleady, we cut the debt in half by the Tim Obama leaves office.
damn sin420!!! some beautiful bud porn! I think I just came in my pants, lol :clap:


mannnnnnnnn I'm soooooooo ready for the next grow bro! Everything gonna be BIGGER and BETTER!
i won't be satisfied with less than 3-4 ounces per plant boss!

danks for the love as always tho!
the pro of washington is it seems to be set up to make it so a person like you or I could get a license ($1k to grow, $1k to process)... but the con is they set the price and tax at each stage. A lot of people are saying they can't get by on what the state wants to set it at ($3g for the seller, $3g for the processor) -- from what i've heard you can get the license to do both the growing and processing (trimming and prep) and there's a $1/g tax you'd have to pay so $5/g. That's $2240 after tax if you're the grower/processor both. That ain't bad... for me means I'd have to be producing several pounds a month to replace my job income though. I got no problem with that though as long as it means I can quit my job :)

I'm not sure what the CO rates are going to be but it's gonna be highly regulated by the state in a similar fashion from what I understand, don't know if they're setting prices or not.

CA with medical you get to set your own rates and as a grower sell directly to anybody in your collective or through dispensaries... so only issue is finding someone who'll pay an acceptable rate to you. Seems like in WA because they are setting prices so low for growers and the legal demand, you're probably not going to have a problem being able to unload it. CA you're sitll gonna be under suspicion to a certain extent and susceptible to raid by overzealous cops...

what to do, what to do...

of course there's oregon too but it's iffier than CA unless you're staying illegal... i'm kind of feeling the medical only states though it seems like the legal ones will be safer but that the state's determined to fuck it up and make it difficult :) All I know is my shit's way better than the commercial we get outta CA & CO, but we probably get bottom of the barrel shit here

Personally, pros for CA are weather, the fact that it's fucking cali (!), LAX is a good airport for us, some stuff that my wife will like I really don't wanna go into but it's cultural, and biggest is I got a pretty good friend there and I don't make friends easy... and my wife's good friends with his wife. We're talking about doing a big grow together. Close to LA for when I go hollywood on everyone's asses and start writing movies lol

Cons for ca are that it's fuckinng cali (! all that goes along with that negative taxes, crime, douchebags (sorry but there are more than here on RIU from CA than from TX even if you count finshaggy multiple times), cost of living, greater difficulty moving product for someone new

WA Pros - Seattle is cool, also culturally good for my wife, I think I'd actually like seattle weather better than where we'd likely live in CA (the hotter part), completely legal and licensed so least likelihood of cop problems, probably won't have a hard time moving product, close to canada, eh, better job market for what I do as a normal job in case I need that, all the macklemore concerts... i like the pacific NW culture more than socal probably, no income tax

Cons - max rate for product, state interference, seattle weather ;) , friend doesn't live there and i don't make friends easy, wife won't like the weather as much as socal
That cartel stomp down lol!
Nah but I know what you mean man. DANK costs. Plain and simple.
You can get some really good around here for $50/3.5- $275/28.
But for some local grown i paid once -350/28 because it was exquisite smoke!
Prices always match your distance from the source lol.
Ppl cut prices of weed with extra numbers, like ppl cut coke to add weight lol

But as far as the smoke goes nowadays, I feel like mine much better too!

And as far as the plan go with hustling to the state, you know how it goes lol.....
ppl smoke weed haha. And like minded ppl find each other always. So yeah...that karma salary

i just say its a blessing have an outlet to get it off to lol. That and staying outta the game as a buyer!
Guess it all depends on networking successfully you know?! Like everything else in life..

can wait to see what's up in just two years from now!
slow but steady boss! No tracks!
yeah but i'm not a networker... i'm a farmer who wants to dump his crop :) if i were a very social kinda person I wouldn't be spending all my time at home in the garden know what i mean ;) i just want to grow flowers that are good enough to compete and be carried in dispensaries or spread worth of mouth by patients. I don't mind dealing with people directly I just don't like networking to find them and sell to them :) but that's part of the reason i am interested in doing a combined op with my friend in cali because he is the kind of guy that likes to socialize and meet people and network... i'm more of the super weed nerd pot snob :) i gotta hella tolerance so I know good shit when I smoke it and if it doesn't rate it'll barely get me high :) would love to get more into concentrates too just don't have a lot of time now with the job.

haha yeah I got a plan... next 6-12 months bust out those crops and earn extra $$ to get moved on... next 6-12 get established and get the grow up to speed to really produce commercially.. how long's gonna depend on what I end up getting there with :) Ultimately want to get up to a 99 plant grow. Outdoor and indoor with some TREES outdoors :)
yeah but i'm not a networker... i'm a farmer who wants to dump his crop :) if i were a very social kinda person I wouldn't be spending all my time at home in the garden know what i mean ;) i just want to grow flowers that are good enough to compete and be carried in dispensaries or spread worth of mouth by patients. I don't mind dealing with people directly I just don't like networking to find them and sell to them :) but that's part of the reason i am interested in doing a combined op with my friend in cali because he is the kind of guy that likes to socialize and meet people and network... i'm more of the super weed nerd pot snob :) i gotta hella tolerance so I know good shit when I smoke it and if it doesn't rate it'll barely get me high :) would love to get more into concentrates too just don't have a lot of time now with the job.

haha yeah I got a plan... next 6-12 months bust out those crops and earn extra $$ to get moved on... next 6-12 get established and get the grow up to speed to really produce commercially.. how long's gonna depend on what I end up getting there with :) Ultimately want to get up to a 99 plant grow. Outdoor and indoor with some TREES outdoors :)

That's they key boss!

But I see you working and admire what you do man!
It's gonna nice to have this convo a year from now!
And as far as the dumb high tolerance lol, I can relate, so I feel liek I got that smokers tounge too!

Godspeed homie :joint:
Happy 4/20 team! :joint:
Lights on at 10am, then I'm rolling up, burning, down, and ordering some seeds!
I need all y'all who see this to be safe..
Sure we're gonna read about some 4/20 raids that went down somewhere...#smdh

lLet just hope all of us been on our Ps and Qs that way we should, and have no worries!

smoke something bishhhhhhh!

I order for the freebies lol! Hasn't failed me yet!
Good genetics incoming!!!
And normally I wouldn't go stealth shipping but I got 14 beans coming in!
Was aldo gonna grab a C-99 and and Kalishnakova, but decided at the last minute to cop a GDP as it was magically "in stock", after being outta stock last night!
So seeing how I secured an Ace of Spades and a GDP, I went with stealth lol!

Now lets see how long this bayyy takes :leaf:

Gotta give my girls their tea a little later than I'm prepping for the blow down!


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I order for the freebies lol! Hasn't failed me yet!
Good genetics incoming!!!
And normally I wouldn't go stealth shipping but I got 14 beans coming in!
Was aldo gonna grab a C-99 and and Kalishnakova, but decided at the last minute to cop a GDP as it was magically "in stock", after being outta stock last night!
So seeing how I secured an Ace of Spades and a GDP, I went with stealth lol!

Now lets see how long this bayyy takes :leaf:

Gotta give my girls their tea a little later than I'm prepping for the blow down!

Das fucked up Attitude I wanted That GDP and i was up last night getting headaches cuz my pre-paid card wouldn't work :wall: his is what I ended up with
Order Summary
Product Code

Female Seeds Bubblegummer
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Female Seeds White Widow x Big Bud
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Green House Indica Mix I
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - 05 seeds

Female Seeds X-Line Auto Critical
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

G13 Labs Blue OG
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Female Seeds X-Line C99 Hybrid
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Green House Seeds The Doctor
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Female Seeds C99
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

FEMINIZED UFO #1 Sweet Seeds Ice Cool


FEMINIZED UFO #2 Sweet Seeds Auto Cream Caramel


FEMINIZED UFO #3 Sweet Seeds Sweet Tai


Granddaddy Purple Seeds Bay 11


T H Seeds Darkstar


DNA Genetics La Chocolat


Cali Connection Seeds Original Sour Diesel


Green House Seeds White Widow


- £6.25
Voucher code
Shipping cost
Ahhhhhhh, elevated :peace:

I'm Critical Jack coolin' :cool:

Das fucked up Attitude I wanted That GDP and i was up last night getting headaches cuz my pre-paid card wouldn't work :wall: his is what I ended up with

Order Summary
Product Code

Female Seeds Bubblegummer
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Female Seeds White Widow x Big Bud
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Green House Indica Mix I
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - 05 seeds

Female Seeds X-Line Auto Critical
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

G13 Labs Blue OG
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Female Seeds X-Line C99 Hybrid
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Green House Seeds The Doctor
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

Female Seeds C99
Feminized Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix

FEMINIZED UFO #1 Sweet Seeds Ice Cool


FEMINIZED UFO #2 Sweet Seeds Auto Cream Caramel


FEMINIZED UFO #3 Sweet Seeds Sweet Tai


Granddaddy Purple Seeds Bay 11


T H Seeds Darkstar


DNA Genetics La Chocolat


Cali Connection Seeds Original Sour Diesel


Green House Seeds White Widow


- £6.25
Voucher code
Shipping cost

For a starters pack bro, I think you hit the nail on the head to be honest bro!
You got a SUPER INDICA HEAVY line-up it looks like, so you should be able to pump things out in a decent amount of time bro!

That WW x Big Bud I was looking at my first time, but ended up just going with WW.

That C-99 just missed the cut! I'm talking last minute cancellation lol! But I'll get around to it. I'll have to watch how you work with it!
But it's a popular one for sure
But only because I wanted to get the garunteed shipping, given the fact customs is about to be FLOODED with seeds haha!
So if I don't get them this time I'm not worried bcuz I got insurance! The last two orders came without the garuntee tho!

That Blue OG should be nice too! I grew their Blue Widow and I will def. get back too it!

& that GHS White Widow might just be a GEM! I say you grow that out the first run for sure!

But as far as everything else man, looks good boss!

As far as my order goes, I'm REALLY hoping to get some males man!
Everything i chose, I chose for genetics!
I'm amped about the Ace of Spades and that Grandaddy bro!
Those Grandaddy freebies more than like for GDP in them lol, so you'll be getting some good!
I couldn't fine what the genetics are for it tho.

But I'm looking so make some seeds and start hunting for some gems!
I'm got some OG, some blueberry, some GDP, some AOS, some sour, some chocolate, some white, some and some old school bubba kush!
I got one more order to make to get a few more that they didn't have like some pure AK, some pure Norther Lights, and some pure Jack Herer.
But as you see lol, I didn't go big at all! I went big in regards to the freebies tho lol!
I got 9 good freebies and spent $80!

You're next order you'll have a better idea of what you're looking for, simply because you'll have more experience you know?!
The op after the next I'm gone be ready for breeding boss! Or at least pheno hunting! :joint:
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