My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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Will def have a USB microscope by the next harvest! Thanks for the input boss!
134 strains! One day my friend!

Ur welcome buddy, a USB microscope is one of the better investments Ive made, u can find them on eBay pretty cheap, I probably bought 10 other loupes all ranging from 30-100x and could never get a decent image, only if I cut off part and placed on a table and thats not very practical when you want to check most the plant.
i just take a few pics of each branch working my way down the plant so I can figure out which photo is from what branch, this can ge confusing as I found out, so I take 3 shots of each branch/cola, then before I cut I retake a single photo do double check.
it takes time but if ur like me, I spend most the day in my tents anyways, and the way I see it, I spend months treating these plants better than treating myself, lol, and harvest/drying/cure is the most important part of it so why not spend the time.

the more love you give the plants, the more love they will give u back!
Def bossman! Stick around for the next harvest! I'll let you know when I start the next.
Bue are you gonna start any threads here on RIU?! :joint:
sincerely, why are you talking shit?! lol, get some grows under your belt... your plants are like 1.5 feet tall, and you grow under cfls with a 150 hps... what a fucking joke. Do you think I don't know what amendments are?! I've been crushing it for years, lil boy... (Lol This dude made his containers out of trash bags and duct tape! hahahaha)

Haha, was creeping around this shit made me laugh
Def bossman! Stick around for the next harvest! I'll let you know when I start the next.
Bue are you gonna start any threads here on RIU?! :joint:

I'm always about somewhere, lol, I've made some threads before but decided not to be so public, a, because where I live I'm breaking the law and b, I really can't be fucked with the people that just troll for the fuck of it.
The fact is everybody grows differently and I don't like how some people troll you just you do something differently. I'm pretty set in my ways, I've been growing about 15 years and have had 100+ plant indoor and outdoor grows when I was younger, but now I just grow personal and have enough flowering space for 4 big plants which keeps me nicely supplied on a perpetual grow.

Thats one thing I hate about the semi legalisation in the states (I know it's not legal, but its sort of), now everyone and his grandma is growing, before only dedicated people grew because of the legality and most of the time everyone got along in the community.
but now it's changed, big business comes in, egos come into play, and u end up with children putting their grow ops youtube.
now I'm all for everyone being able to grow if they do it in the right way and have respect for people.

Anyways I'm ranting, lol,I'm just a grumpy old man really, but thinking about my threads brought it back up, I used to get people telling me how to grow and that I'm doing everything wrong....the fact probably is I was growing before they were born!

anyways rant over, sorry to hijack your thread!
Love the posts, bit much to take in at first with all the bold and what not, but at least there's plenty of information.

Lol you might be the 5th person with that exact same post haha! Think next times I'll dial it down on the BOLD lol!
But thanks bro!
I'm always about somewhere, lol, I've made some threads before but decided not to be so public, a, because where I live I'm breaking the law and b, I really can't be fucked with the people that just troll for the fuck of it.
The fact is everybody grows differently and I don't like how some people troll you just you do something differently. I'm pretty set in my ways, I've been growing about 15 years and have had 100+ plant indoor and outdoor grows when I was younger, but now I just grow personal and have enough flowering space for 4 big plants which keeps me nicely supplied on a perpetual grow.

Thats one thing I hate about the semi legalisation in the states (I know it's not legal, but its sort of), now everyone and his grandma is growing, before only dedicated people grew because of the legality and most of the time everyone got along in the community.
but now it's changed, big business comes in, egos come into play, and u end up with children putting their grow ops youtube.
now I'm all for everyone being able to grow if they do it in the right way and have respect for people.

Anyways I'm ranting, lol,I'm just a grumpy old man really, but thinking about my threads brought it back up, I used to get people telling me how to grow and that I'm doing everything wrong....the fact probably is I was growing before they were born!

anyways rant over, sorry to hijack your thread!

It's all good Sir! Anything you gotta say is welcomed here! So rant more if you need to lol! This one is in it's last few weeks of life lol! Everything has come and go. Not for a bit of a break lol.
I hope to be a lil more discreet with the next thread tho lol. This one got outta hand a LONG time ago haha..It's sooo much good stuff within but it doesn't really matter anymore lol becuase it's SOOO many damn pages! But hey, I'm enjoying my RIU experience man!
There's a place for everyone one here happily I'm sure lol. Some ppl just have problems lol. You can't help but let them be haha.

And you being set in your ways, hey, who is anyone to tell you anything after 100+ plants lol.
I've seen it ALL now that Ive seen ppl succeed with ease with Miracle Gro and bottle foods.
There's soo man ways to do this man. Anyone who can't realize that probable shouldn't be on the internet lol...But oh they are....:lol:
The ignore feature is always a nice alternative lol!

Im a young fellow but I'm an old soul, so I connect pretty well with my elders!
Next thread I make, I'll keep it small and on point and let you know so you can polish up on your stuff by helping a young aspiring farmer out!


Ps. have you ever used aloe vera in the garden as a foliar spray? The fresh pure inner leaf fillet, diluted and used as a foliar?
Can find any legit info about it after searching now for a few days.
I've found some things here and there via the other forums, but just wondering if you have an experience with?
man, went to menards today to load down on bulbs... and wondered downto HPS.. but no way they can be good they was bulbs that stated High Pressure Sodium Lighting but was rufly $15 for 150w and highest was 33 and sum change for 500w... tht sound rite bcus in ur thread u said u paid 150 for 2-150 hps's rite???
idk mayb i shud of bought 1
Gonna be hard to keep your next thread small my friend... from experience, most great threads end up blowing up the way this one did. That's just the way it works :D

Anyway, this is a 5 star thread and definitely a greenhorn favorite. Thanks for the amazing ride my dude bongsmilie
Gonna be hard to keep your next thread small my friend... from experience, most great threads end up blowing up the way this one did. That's just the way it works :D

Anyway, this is a 5 star thread and definitely a greenhorn favorite. Thanks for the amazing ride my dude bongsmilie

lol sorry fr correction with u being senority.. but THREAD?! this is a FUKIN GOLD MINE NEWB GROW BOOK.. lol kudos Sin!!!! i stop watching my high times vids and just scroll/searchin thru ur thread lol if u havnt mentiond a answer on here another senior does. fukn grade A brah!!!
re done my grow room and still on cfl like the beginning of threead but once i kno i got the hang of thangs im goin big boi lght for damn sure!!!

Dr. Greenhorn i meant tht outa no disrespect, i take major heat for being newb lol so dont think i was tryin to disrespect
thanx man
nothin bttr than an senior who dont constanly down newbs...
now bak to newb.. how the fuk do u rep?? lol for sum reason sum1 rep'd me but i cant findthe option all i see is like
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