My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member
"They'll either be female or hermie."

Remember how I was bragging about my Blue Widow cola? The one that I F.I.M'd twice and it turned out to be a mutated larger kinda clump of cola?? Well if Greg Green is spot on, which he more likely is than not, that cola looks the way it does because it was stressed. I guess by being F.I.M'd twice?
But I've read more than a few times so far that females can pollinate from within with the "bananas", in attempt to produce some seeds as a last ditch effort. I don't see any balls on the lower parts of any plants so I think I'm dealing with the self pollination deal, rather than hermie plant from what I've seen. All the bananas I've taken out have been empty looking(i know they've got a little within still) and tucked away.

And I'm not 100% sure what the deal is with the one Blue Widow Cola. Maybe there's a seed or two within?! I pulled 2 bananas from that one cola. I just hope I didn't pollinate everything at once but touching them yesterday looking for them.
Note to all...wash hand after removing each I guess??

I Just need to hold out with the auto bub for 1 more week and another 2 for the Widows!

There's a pic a couple pages back of the "clustered" Blue Widow cola for now.

I'll get some better pics later. :joint:


New Member
Wk 6 Day 5 Flowering: Banana Patrol.

No obvious reappearance of male stamen with check at 10am lights on. All I see are my buds still swelling which is a good thing too!
I misted the auto Bub and the Blue Widow last night beofre lights out, and I pulled the fan down blowing directly on them to help with drying and to prevent bud mold. I did so because I read that water kills any pollen. I also read that you shouldn't spray your plants this late in flowering tho, and I did so anyways with the previous thought in mind.
I'll check the plants every 3 hours until lights out at 10pm :leaf:


New Member
Just took 3 more banana off of my auto bub. I also can see that I have a seed forming right on top of that cola.
It's painstaking work because non of them are visible when your just looking at the plant..You gotta get in there and get your fingers sticky and pull buds apart some what before you can even see them.
I' pretty sure I'll have a couple seeds in the auto bub because I broke a couple bananas trying to get them out yesterday and just now, I just hope that it's ends up very lightly seeded....We'll see.

She's entering her 7th week flowering! Damn I just need to stand my ground for one week and I'm pulling her DOWN! :joint:

I'm not gonna pull this one off. I'll give it another week to do what it does before I chopchop.
Maybe It'll be finished?? IDK tho, be


New Member
AutoBub Cola 2.jpgAutoBub Cola.jpgLook At Where I Pull Bananas From.jpg Nirvana "autoflowering" Bubblicious colas + banana search
BW Cola I pulled Bananas From. Didn't Find Anymore.jpgBlue Widow Shot.jpg Dinafem Blue Widow Cola + Plant
My Colas And DIY Ona bucket!.jpgSome almost 7wk old colas. Auto bub out front. White Widow in very back


New Member
Haha yepppp! She's showing her true colors on me :/ But hey, she's got a week left at best. If I do get the onset of them that ppl experience, I'm pull her ass DOWN! :joint:

Good thing is, I got another harvest about a month after all this is done I'm guessing, and they're all looking STELLAR! So I can not risk pollenating all 8 plants I have in there


New Member
I looked thru all the plants again and made a couple decisions...
Decision #1 was to cut the top of the Blue Widow off that had bananas in it. I saw 3 more when I looked today and broke the first one trying to get it out, so I said F it and took it off. I didn't wanna risk them spreading as I looked thru it thoroughly and didn't find anymore.
So I've got that top now chilling in my drying box & I'll leave it in there for 5-7 days and take it out and sample it and put it in a jar for a bit.
If it smokes well I'll pull it next week when I pull the auto bub.
Decision #2 is that the auto bub is CERTAINLY coming down this upcoming week. I don't know when for sure but I'm certain.
I'm gonna keep staking it out lol and checking on it every few hours daily.
If and/or when I see more than a banana or two on any one cola, I'll chop her.

But this Blue Widow is nice and heavy! Not a tinge of airiness! In fact all my buds are built like studs! Nice and compact!
Just a couple more weeks to go damn I need these to pass!

We'll see how my new little drying box does as well :joint:

BW Banana Cola.jpgBW Banana Top.jpg


New Member
Thx homie :joint:. I know I'd be amped if my caregiver brought me some haha. So I think he'll be pleased when I hook him up!

But I'll be GLAD to chop these three and make room for my second gen flowering girls! They are lookin straight FINE!
And I think you should looking into that topping technique where you top above the 2nd true node or 3rd true node bro! Here you can find it under "Uncle Bens Topping".
I'll get some pics of my White Widow and Critical Jack that I've done it too up ASAP, so you can see what I mean. But in doing this(the topping technique) I'm not so sure that there is a need to mainline boss.

Next run I'll mainline a girl and top a girl above the 2nd/3rd node and compare the two, but the stem structures of both techniques are eerily similar :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thx homie :joint:. I know I'd be amped if my caregiver brought me some haha. So I think he'll be pleased when I hook him up!

But I'll be GLAD to chop these three and make room for my second gen flowering girls! They are lookin straight FINE!
And I think you should looking into that topping technique where you top above the 2nd true node or 3rd true node bro! Here you can find it under "Uncle Bens Topping".
I'll get some pics of my White Widow and Critical Jack that I've done it too up ASAP, so you can see what I mean. But in doing this(the topping technique) I'm not so sure that there is a need to mainline boss.

Next run I'll mainline a girl and top a girl above the 2nd/3rd node and compare the two, but the stem structures of both techniques are eerily similar :joint:
Uncle Ben knows what's up lol. I don't grow from seed often, but when I do I top'em!


Well-Known Member
Nahh, I'm just here for the good company and information. I've thought about doing a journal but I never get around to it, more work and time I guess lol. I don't really frequent many threads on here, I keep to areas where interesting, intelligent and friendly people hang out. I'm active in maybe 10 threads. I don't look in parts of the forum except those areas unless I'm looking for something specific. Most of my new connections come from the SC thread or the Club 600 thread. The Club 600 thread is enough to take up all of a person's time on here lol. Reeeeally good people.

I'm changing my soil mix this time around. Going to try something a little different and put the subcool mix on hold for a minute. I'm going to use a peat base instead of roots organics, knock it down a notch with all of the amendments and keep it a bit simpler. No guanos in the soil only in weekly teas. Basically promix BX, powdered lime, worm poo, blood meal, bone meal, kelp and greensand. I'll take it from there and make it my own. The base recipe came from BurnOne at


New Member
Word up!

Well like I said, glad we could link up bro.
But I'm thinking about trying to move towards the veganic side of things within the next couple grows.
I'm sure you probably know, but if you don't, veganic is pretty much and extreme for of organics and supposedly produces the BEST tasting weed!
Everything I got is pretty much genetically engineered to put one of the ass lol so I figure I'll atone to the taste as I go.

And I'm curious what made you choose blood an bone meal over the guanos?? I would have gone with guanos and left the blood and bones meal out which is why i'm asking?? I would say off whim, that guanos should be the superior fertilized because they're good for more than nutrional value in the soil :joint:

& I'll be up in club 600 soon prettyyyy soon!
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