My 1st Grow - Constructive Criticism Accepted


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When I water tomorrow with 6.8 PH water, I will triple check the run off on each of my 3 gal pots :D Awesome info guys, much appreciated :D


Active Member
Journal Update: Watered about a half gallon a pot, checked the run off on each plant:

Blimburn AK Auto PH 6.5
G13 Diesel Auto PH 6.7
Dinafem White Widow Auto 6.7
Blue Rhino (Seedling Photo) 6.2
WoS KR1 6.5
WoS KR2 6.4

The PHs look pretty good. The blue rhino, when planting the rapid rooter, I completely forgot to pre drain the roots organic soil. Probably why the PH is off. Hopefully with the next watering it jumps to 6.5

The plants were real thirsty, 4/5 of them were slightly droopy but really dark green when I got home from work. They're realllllly droopy now due to the watering :D Hope they perk back up tomorrow and I can take some pictures ;)


Active Member
Hey guys, don't have much online time today, will need to get back to work shortly. Just wanted to come on and throw up some pics. They were looking reaaallll droopy yesterday from not being watered for awhile and then even droopier after being fed. They are looking MUCH better today, real healthy. Even the runts are sorta picking up.

G13 Diesel Auto (Week 3 Day 6 ~ basically 4): This bad boy is the biggest of my bunch (nowhere near as big as same aged plants from other grow journals i've seen, but oh well). No nute burn yet, she's taken well to the 3mL so far. Going to give 5mL next feeding. There are some yellow blotches that appeared, I think I accidentally splashed the leaves with feed. None of the bottom leaves are showing burn, I'm hoping nothing to worry about.
G13_Diesel Week 4 minus 1 day top.jpgG13_Diesel Week 4 minus 1 day.jpg

Blimburn AK Auto(Week 3 Day 6 ~ basically 4): She's about as tall as the G13, but slightly less bushy, but also looking really healthy. No sign of nute burn, will increase to 5ML next feeding.
Blimburn AK Auto Week 4 minus 1 day top.jpgBlimburn AK Auto Week 4 minus 1 day.jpg

Dinafem White Widow Auto (Week 3 Day 6): This little guy was the worst of the bunch, still is pretty small all considering how old she is. I'm hoping I get 1/2 oz
I noticed the other day when the soil was really dry, right at the base of the stem the root/stem seemed to curl up almost making a "U" shape and then back into the soil. Something about that doesn't seem right? I covered it up with soil. I probably should of taken a picture.
Dinafem White Widow Auto Week 4 minus 1 day side.jpgDinafem White Widow Auto Week 4 minus 1 day.jpg

World of Seeds Kush Ryder - Plants 1 and 2 (Week 3 day 4 for both): Both of these guys seem undersized as well compared to the G13 and Blimburn. I'm sure they were partially stunted due to low PH and overwatering. Hopefully they pick up and put on some more veg size before flowering.
WoS Kush Ryder 1 Week 3 day 4.jpgWoS Kush Ryder 2 Week 3 day 4.jpg

Blue Rhino (Photo Week 2 Day 1): This guy looks healthy, haven't had any problems with him yet. He's starting to grow faster. A buddy and I will be taking clones off this guy, so I'm not really worried if he takes his time.
Blue Rhino Week 2 day 2.jpg


Active Member
Regarding the Blue Rhino Photo above, when would be a good time to move that sucker into a 3 gallon pot? It's going to be a mother plant which we'll pull a few clones off of and then flower. Should I leave it in that 1/2 gal pot or move to 3 gallon? Thanks!!


Active Member
Might be a bit early, but do you guys think I could pull 3-4 oz dried off these auto plants based on how they look now? assuming all else goes perfectly or almost perfectly ;)

There are 5 autos in total. 1 G13 Diesel, 1 Blimburn AK, 1 Dinafem Whitewidow, 2 Kush Ryder

I'm thinking 1oz off the G13 and 1 off the AK, be lucky to get half from the white widow and maybe 3/4 a piece from the KRs


Well-Known Member
Regarding the Blue Rhino Photo above, when would be a good time to move that sucker into a 3 gallon pot? It's going to be a mother plant which we'll pull a few clones off of and then flower. Should I leave it in that 1/2 gal pot or move to 3 gallon? Thanks!!
You should have an in between size. Go up to one gallon but not yet. That Rhino is Blue but because its sick. Sorry. Leave her in her pot for at least 2 more weeks. She should look bigger than the pot. So ya, one gallon for like up to 4 weeks after transfer then go 3. Follow these steps for robust mother plant.

The G13 and the AK look WAY better now. The others... well just gotta weight.


Active Member
You should have an in between size. Go up to one gallon but not yet. That Rhino is Blue but because its sick. Sorry. Leave her in her pot for at least 2 more weeks. She should look bigger than the pot. So ya, one gallon for like up to 4 weeks after transfer then go 3. Follow these steps for robust mother plant.

The G13 and the AK look WAY better now. The others... well just gotta weight.
Thanks Medihealed! I plan on starting a 1 gal SOG with clones of the Blue Rhino. I will go current pot (2 weeks) -> 1 gallon (4 weeks) -> 3 gallon. So 6 total weeks from now till it hits the 3 gallon.


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Some more pictures I took of the ladies with my new Nikon L120. Doesn't even seem to be as good as the iPhone pictures, but then again, I don't know how to use it and I didn't turn the flash on.

The two big guys are exactly 4 weeks today. The other runts are 3 week 6 days and the Photo is about 2 weeks old.



Active Member
OK - my mind is made up. I'm getting a 500W Blackstar LED panel, a guy here locally is selling one brand new for 350. Can't beat that. Will be getting it tomorrow or monday, pictures to follow :D


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Have not purchased the LED panel yet, but hopefully in the next few days. But here's an update with pics.

I've been following the "Masters Feeding Schedule" of the Aurora Line. Been using Buddha Grow, Trinity, and CalMag. I'm doing feedings every other watering (~once a week). Last week i fed them 3 ML, no visible signs of nute burn besides the little i accidently poured on the leaves. This week i fed them 5 ML Buddha Grow, 5 ML Trinity, 3ml Cal Mag. They are in early week 4 and I can probably feed them 1 more time with buddha grow, then will flush and prepare for flowering nutes.

I have 6 total 54 watt bulbs - swapped 2 out with 3000k. So now I have 4 6500k and 2 3000k, next week I will have an even 50/50 ratio of 6500 and 3500 and will plan on going into flowering with this.

Now on to the pics

Blimburn AK Auto - Week 4 Day 3: Looks like she's blowing the F up!
Blimburn AK Auto Week 4 Day 3a.jpgBlimburn AK Auto Week 4 Day 3b.jpg

G13 Diesel Auto - Week 4 Day 3:
She's almost as big as the blimburn. Can anyone tell if these guys are done with preflower and into full on flower yet?
G13 Diesel Auto Week 4 Day 3a.jpgG13 Diesel Auto Week 4 Day 3b.jpgG13 Diesel Auto Week 4 Day 3c.jpg

Dinafem White Widow Auto - Week 4 Day 3:
Still the runt of all my plants, but she's coming along.
Dinafem White Widow Auto Week 4 Day 3a.jpgDinafem White Widow Auto Week 4 Day 3b.jpg

WoS Kush Ryder Plant 1 - Week 4 Day 1:
Smaller of the two Kush Ryders, but not by much. The KRs are really starting to pick up. They're suppose to be indica dominant, but do I have a different phenotype? The leaves aren't as big as most indica dom leaves.
WOS KR1 Week 4 Day 1.jpg

WoS Kush Ryder Plant 2 - Week 4 Day 1:
The bigger of the two kush Ryders. Do you guys think I'll get 1 oz dried off these?
WOS KR2 Week 4 Day 1.jpgWOS KR2 Week 4 Day 1b.jpg

Positronics Blue Rhino Photo - Week 2 Day 5: I Fimmed this bad boy yesterday and just watered today. Will start feeding nutes next week.
Blue Rhino Photo Week 2 Day 5.jpg

Misc Pics of all the girls in their habitat :)
The Girls 2-04282013.jpgThe Girls 04282013.jpg


Active Member
Anyone know why the ak auto's top leave tips are pointed downwards like that? Could it be heat or light stress?

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Claw Leaves 1.jpgLooked into this Dictate, general opinion is that '' Clawing '' of leaves as it is called is caused by too much Nitrogen in the grow medium, look into it by googling, '' clawing leaves Marijuana '' and you will see plenty of info. Heres a pic I got in my tutorial section which shows clawing leaves in a far more advanced state than yours, yours look as if they are just beginning to show signs. Possible fixes include flushing, cutting down on nutrients and similar reducing the nitrogen solutions, but as I said, Im no expert so check with someone more knowledgeable before doing any thing drastic. good luck, heres a clawing leaves pic


Active Member
View attachment 2636907Looked into this Dictate, general opinion is that '' Clawing '' of leaves as it is called is caused by too much Nitrogen in the grow medium, look into it by googling, '' clawing leaves Marijuana '' and you will see plenty of info. Heres a pic I got in my tutorial section which shows clawing leaves in a far more advanced state than yours, yours look as if they are just beginning to show signs. Possible fixes include flushing, cutting down on nutrients and similar reducing the nitrogen solutions, but as I said, Im no expert so check with someone more knowledgeable before doing any thing drastic. good luck, heres a clawing leaves pic
Thanks!! My next watering I will do a throrough watering, and see what that does. May hold off on veg nutes for this guy. Thanks for your help :D


Active Member
Not much going on in here, but wanted to throw a quick update. Got my 500w Blackstar Bloom LED light yesterday. I removed the Tek 4 PL-L from the setup (will probably use it for a seperate mother room potentially). So as of now, my light setup is:

  • 1 85 w CFL 2700k 4800 Lumen (over the photo)
  • 1 Tek 2 PL-L 110w 10k Lumen T5 Light (Side lighting
  • 1 Blackstar 500 w Led at around 20 inches distance from the tallest plant, so potentially 24 inches from the other smaller plants.
So I'm netting almost 700 watts in this 3x3 :D

I had some yellowing appear on larger fan leaves towards the bottom on the G13 Diesel, there were no burnt tips. I'm also getting clawing at the top. So it is potentially 2 issues, 1 PH issue (which I don't think it is, as they were around 6.4 -6.7 on my last watering) or a lack of nitrogen. I foliar sprayed the affected areas and will see what turns up (3ml buddha grow and trinity).

I will post pics of my setup, as well as pics of the plants tomorrow morning :)


Active Member
OK - I lied, I got really stoned tonight and bored and decided to play with my camera some more.

This is pretty much my final setup. I'm contemplating swapping the smaller Tek 2 out with the Tek 4 as side light (that might be overkill). The next time I purchase anything will be when I buy a house and convert an entire room :)

As you can see (sorta) in pictures 2 and 5, the G13 Diesel is droopy, eagle claws for the past week and a half, and some of the first true leaves are wilting and dying, and some of the lower larger fan leaves have large yellow blotches. I'm guessing nitrogen deficiency or PH lockout, in anycase, I sorta flushed the G13 and Blimburn AK auto yesterday with 2 gallons of water each (after their last feeding 5 days before). I will give them a few days to recover and see what happens.

I also did a slight foliar spray on the affected areas with 3ml of Trinity and Buddha Grow. The main 5 autos are all early week 5. The photo is 3 weeks old. These are 3 gallon smart pots, so you can see the plants are about average to less than average in size for week 5 :( But I just switched to LEDs yesterday, so lets see if it makes them explode :D

Let me know what you guys think of everything please!



Active Member
Sorry for the multiple posts guys, I'm really high.

If the plants continue to show more yellow spots, I think i will feed 5-7 ml this next feeding, as i think the plants maybe very hungry. I don't see burnt leaf tips, so I'm thinking deficiency as opposed to burn.

here's a little history as to the feedings. I've fed them twice already first feeding 2 weeks ago and 2nd feeding 6 days ago. First was 3ml buddha grow + 3ml trinity, 2nd was 5ml buddha grow + 5ml trinity + 3 ml calmag. Per gallon. They are now in week 5 and I'm using Roots Organic Soil w/ 3 gallon Smart Pots.

My plants are exhibiting nitrogen deficiency based on this website:

Also, this next feeding will be my last veg feeding before I switch to bloom nutes, which will be ~5/7 and then regular watering on ~5/11 (they will be week 6 day 3 here), then finally start bloom nutes on ~5/15 ( which will be exactly week 6 day 6) -- sorry folks, got alot on my mind when im stoned.

What do you guys think? (sorry i'm too stoned to pull the plants out to take pics of them without the LED right now, I will do that tomorrow morning)

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Jeez Dictate mate, no need to apologise for getting stoned on a weed site, its a bit like saying sorry for drinking beer in a pub !, anyway,the nitrogen will fix the yellow of bottom leaves problem, although when the plant gets to the age of yours it sometimes gets rid of those leaves that don't get much light any more. The fact that you have now got side lighting as well will help in that matter. I had a look at that link you posted and its a good reference for problems with leaves,