My 1st grow! :D


Active Member
sorry didint put the update up yesterday had my gf stay over and she dont know about them so had to leave it will post some later :D


Well-Known Member
well woke up to find that the cotton candy was dead :( dont know what happened but i looked at her roots and they where tiny barley any and only going a few inch down if that, still waiting on my dolomite lime to come atleast when that gets here it might help the ill cm, the other cm is doing great!
Sorry to read that mate, hope everything else is going to plan :peace:


Active Member
guys im finding it hard to find the answer for what ph should my water by for coco? found so many diffrent answers any1 have any advice? :D


Active Member
guys im chuck some pics up 2moz as about to start the long task of watering them and then got to study for a exam so peace guys :peace:


Well-Known Member
Peace back at ya aj11 :) wish i could help with your ph question but i'm totally uneducated in the ways of the coco....maybe ask Del in the 12/12 from seed thread, think he's a big fan of it (if i recall) and he's probably the best to ask :peace:


Active Member
Peace back at ya aj11 :) wish i could help with your ph question but i'm totally uneducated in the ways of the coco....maybe ask Del in the 12/12 from seed thread, think he's a big fan of it (if i recall) and he's probably the best to ask :peace:

ahh thanks man yea i will cheers bro :D


Active Member
sorry this took so long guys busy week but heres a picture update for u all :D

critical mass 6weeks #1

c m #1.jpgcm#1.jpgcm# 1.jpg

critical mass #2 seems to be gettin better now :D

cm #2.jpgcm#2.jpgcm# 2.jpg

sweet big devil#1 at 4weeks
s.b.d #1.jpgs.b.d#1.jpg

sweet big devil #2, 4weeks

s.b.d #2.jpgs.b.d#2.jpg

and a nice group shot :D


lemme no what u think guys


Active Member
going to put a update up later all seems good cm is really smelling now and it smells great :D peace


Active Member
hey guys ive got a quick question ive heard that if u put a uv tube on for a hr when the plant is in flower it produces more thc? any ideas?


Active Member
hey guys ive got a quick question ive heard that if u put a uv tube on for a hr when the plant is in flower it produces more thc? any ideas?
That's a big debate. In my opinion, the difference isn't significant enough to bother, and it all depends on the chemistry of the plant you are growing. If I understand an article I read a while back, the UV light helps the plant convert CBD to THC. So it's different for every strain, and even more so depending on the type of UV light you use. If that is true, it also depends what you want from your grow, some people wouldn't want to sacrifice CBD for THC because CBD is great for many medicinal purposes.


Active Member
picture update! sorry took so long again just been busy

auto critical mass start of 7weeks #1

cm # 1.jpgcm#1.jpg



sweet big devil #1 start of 5th week

# 1.jpg#1.jpg

lemme no what u think guys peace :D