Well-Known Member
Sorry no pics. But even if I had them they would not be worth looking at lol. 4 plants and just 1 3/4 oz. I grew in soil and the whole grow just had problems from the start. If I could give anyone any advice though on a 1st grow. Just keep growing. You will learn so much during each stage of the grow that your 2nd grow should be much better. I'm on my 2nd grow now and the plants look SOOOOO much better. I am only 5 weeks in an the plants look like my 1st grow did after 6 months. The 1st grow took 9 full months and like ai said, total nightmare. Only good thing was the weed stunk so bad, I decided to sell the 1 oz. The smoke is not bad, keeps you high for most of the night. I was able to get $475 for the Z mostly cause of the smell. I opened the bag for the guy to look at it and he smelled it instantly and told me "Whatever it costs, it's mine" lol. Ok well then $475 dumbass. I was going to say $200. lol. Very small buds, no seeds at all, very green and very stinky. Once again if you are working your 1st grow and having issues. Don't stop or kill your plants, just keep growing. At one point one of my plants snapped in 1/2 complete right angle snap, 90 degrees. I freaked out, tied it up and the plant kept on growing and ended up being the biggest producer of bud. It's called weed for a reason, it's a very hard plant to kill accidently. It will keep trying to live. Good luck. I'll post pics of the new grow soon.