My 1st Grow Journal


Active Member
Ok... I've decided to start a grow journal... and since some time has passed since I started my little garden, I'm gonna try to go in proper order and it may take a few postings.

At the end of February, I decided to take a chance and see if anything would grow. My brother in law gave me a cool idea for germinating the seeds, so I figured, what the hell? I had a fat ass bag of bag seed... and it wasn't doing anything other than sittin' around.

So I got a Glad ware container, lined the bottom with cotton balls, wet the cotton, placed the seeds on the wet cotton, put the lid on and waited a day or so. Each day, I'd open the container, check the moisture and spritz them with water if needed. Within a matter of days, I had seedlings.

I transplanted the seedlings into some real crap soil just because they were taking off way faster than I anticipated and I hadn't really planned it all out. I rigged up some real basic low light output bulbs and they started doing what I thought was "growing", which turned out to be "stretching".

I decided that I was going to see where this would take me without me spending a shit load of cash. If it all blew up in my face, I'd rather not have hundreds of dollars worth of grow equipment to add salt to the wound, if that makes any sense. This was around the same time I discovered this site.

So I purchased a bag of Miracle Grow soil, some Miracle Grow food and some Jiffy Pots. I transplanted all of the plants into their little Jiffy homes,
moved them closer to the lights and waited.

By March 25th, I moved all of the plants to much larger pots but, as you will see, they were still looking pretty anemic.

Comments always welcome... bongsmilie


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Active Member
After much concern and research, I beefed up the lighting. Because this is an indoor budget grow, I decided on CFL lighting. They use less energy and they don't throw off as much heat... plus, you can buy them everywhere!

This was the scenery by April 3rd. bongsmilie


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Active Member
This being my very first grow, I was content to have this be an experimental process. I was willing to take some chances to see what happened. That being said, two of my plants were growing really, really tall. I was concerned about that, so I decided to use them as my guinea pigs. I didn't want them to get to be 6 ft tall, so I created a Flowering Closet, and stuck them in there.

On 4/20, I discovered my first female. Teeny tiny white hairs were visible, and thus Mary Jane was born. Since she chose such an appropriate "Coming Out" day, she deserved a fitting name.

Comments welcome... bongsmilie
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Active Member
So... here's the latest.

My 2 original girls are going strong. I've noticed the hairs on one of them have a bit of brown to them already. I've done some other reading here on the site, and have seen "Elites" say this is normal, so no worries there.

On April 25th, I added 4 more plants to the flowering closet. Of those 4, two more are female. The other two have yet to show.

Last night, while tending to the 6 plants still in vegetation I discovered 2 more females. This prompted a reorganizing of the flowering closet to accommodate the 2 new girls.

I will concede that mine may not be the "prettiest" garden, but considering where and how I started... I'm damn pleased!

As always... comments are welcome. bongsmilie



Active Member
Yeah, you might be right... I was sick in bed for about 3 days and totally unable to even stand up let alone tend to my plants. They were lookin' WRECKED!! I was thinkin' they were screwed for sure. But they seem to have bounced back pretty well...


New Member
Yeah. They'll be fine. Except for the droopiness due to your illness they look ok. :)
Yeah, you might be right... I was sick in bed for about 3 days and totally unable to even stand up let alone tend to my plants. They were lookin' WRECKED!! I was thinkin' they were screwed for sure. But they seem to have bounced back pretty well...