My 1st grow my first problem need help thanks a lot


Active Member
So here I go. I plant this ones in 6/07/2011 they sprouded in 10/07 and they are in soil since then. They are groewing pretty good till now. I have two known strains and 3 unknown. I have one blackberry from nirvada 1 S.A.D from sweet seeds from spain and 3 from a weed that a friend get from a weed that is being smoking. So the only that have problems is the S.A.D And looks like this:


Active Member
The BlackBerry is good but there are two leafs with some problem check the photos but in general is really good:backberry.jpgblackberry2.jpg


Active Member
So what I'm doing wrong with the SAD strain? I'm using the Light Mix Soil from BioBizz, I all ways water in with PH 6.5, and I only nut once and that was 3 days ago And today the SAD was like this. I observed that she isn't drinking water at all because I watered all plants at same time and the soil of the others become dry and the soil of the SAD isn't. The first and only nuts I did it was with Bio Grow form bio bizz and I put 2ml on 1.5 litter of water a litle more water then they advise. my temps and humidity are good I think. I'm running 18/6 OK? I appreciate help on this. Ask If there is a need of more info TempnHum.jpg


Nobody wanna answer this? Uh?

With your limited info~I can only make
a stabbing guess in the dark:lol:

I'm thinking your using the wrong dirt?
It's got a pre-nutrientized look to it!


Active Member
Nobody wanna answer this? Uh?

With your limited info~I can only make
a stabbing guess in the dark:lol:

I'm thinking your using the wrong dirt?
It's got a pre-nutrientized look to it!
What info you need more? tell me please thanks


Well-Known Member
One more thing The light is a 400W HPS
im just a rookie, on my second grow, and my first one was back in 95. but a High Pressure Sodium is for flowering and a Metal Halide is for vegative growth. that is possible a issue you could be having. secondly id check your soil. personally i would switch to something premixed. just some advise...i have a thread posted and people have been leaving me hanging so dont feel bad.


Active Member
its not the HPS light. Just make sure your HPS is 12-14" away from the tops of your plants. Do the back of the hand test and hold your hand right on top of your plants, does it feel hot? If so move the light up. If you cant feel the heat, move it down . I use HPS the whole grow except the first 2-3 weeks I use a Floro.

Looks to me like there may have been some heat issues. Along with possible burn and slight overwater.


Active Member
over water a think it isn't because the plant is not absorbing any water. More opinions about this? thanks!


Well-Known Member
What type of dirt? You still haven't said!:lol: I'll bet you have pre-nutrientized dirt:lol: Again What type of dirt are you using?:lol:


Active Member
So what I'm doing wrong with the SAD strain? I'm using the Light Mix Soil from BioBizz, I all ways water in with PH 6.5, and I only nut once and that was 3 days ago And today the SAD was like this. I observed that she isn't drinking water at all because I watered all plants at same time and the soil of the others become dry and the soil of the SAD isn't. The first and only nuts I did it was with Bio Grow form bio bizz and I put 2ml on 1.5 litter of water a litle more water then they advise. my temps and humidity are good I think. I'm running 18/6 OK? I appreciate help on this. Ask If there is a need of more info View attachment 1710854
Yes I did is in post 4 read first please. But ok is here the response thanks! Im using light mix soil from bio bizz


Active Member
nobody wants help me ??? why?? I just put all the info needed but no replys help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Maybe a magnesium deficiency. Could be high heat, PH lock, or over watering(causes nute lock).
I always water with PH water I wave the temps between 24 27 degrees Celsius over watering is out of qution, may be is mag problem but the soil is new and just nuts once. But to correct the mag problem what I do?


Active Member
if its not absorbing the water check the drainage..your roots can be staying in water and this gonna cause overwatering..just an idea