My 1st grow. Pics, opinions please?


Active Member
My 1st grow....the plants are both female, and are roughly 12-13 weeks old.
Started from seed, grown in FF Oceanic and MiracleG for the nutes. I didn't know about better ones until I learned from reading around here.

At any rate, I burned the poor girl on the left slightly. She's in an earthbox (my son planted her there, and used MG for the band of nutes within the soil layer)
So I did a flush...pretty sure she'll be fine.

These babys are outdoors, and I live on the California southern coast. It's been a very cool summer so far, and sunlight's been having a hard time burning off the cloud layer before noon each day. There's always an ocean breeze just about, so they are strong, healthy plants. They have had a few bugs munching a couple of the lower leaves, but nothing major.

If anyone has suggestions on nutes from here on out, I'd appreciate it. I was thinking maybe just some molasses....but I don't know.
Oh, I did some super-cropping (as per instructions somewhere else here in the forums), and it seemed to work well. I didn't do every stem, but it appears to have worked. No harm done to any of the cropped/bent stems. Tiny buds are appearing below each one.
Anyway, thanks in advance. Many of yiou have helped tremendously up to this point.

Edited cuz I forgot to say these are white widows. At least they should be, lol. I thought WW was a sativa, and these look like indica....but too stoned and lazy to look it up atm.
Oh, and if anyone wants to guestimate how much longer the girls have to go, that would be fun. Toke on my friends.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Where is your fan where is your light and air filter....... your doing it wrong.

Other than that looking very good, obv I grow indoors


Active Member
Hehe, got all that light, air and filtration curtesy of God (or insert your deity of choice).

I am just about ready to start an indoor grow in a small bedroom closet.
Thanks for the kind words.
Oh, also forgot to say, that block wall behind the plants is 6'. I'm legal, but that's a schoolyard behind it, so I'm kinda hoping they don't get too much taller.