Active Member
this spring will be my first real try at hoping on growing around 9 plants in the forest close to my house the soil is not fertile at all sooo... my plan is start the plants in small containers with some potting soil and leave them in the area of the woods i will be transplanting ill let them grow to about 6-12 inches and then transplant...i will be digging a hole 5 feet x 5 feet 2 feet deep and filling it with potting soil manure nutrients etc. spacing my plants in 3 rows of three and putting up chicken wire around it to keep the small animals in my area out

how is my idea? let me know...


Active Member
that is EXACTLY what im planning on doing, its my first time growing aswell. good luck man. what strain are you planning on growing? im thinking of some WW and some blueberry:)


Active Member
i plan on just growing some bagseed outta some bomb weed i had..

and damn it says right in my signature not to mix me up with that kid!

ambush paddington

Well-Known Member
Im doing the exact same thing just working out the details now good luck! I know how fun it will be for me and I hope the best for you as well


Well-Known Member
ha thats what were doing but times that about 90... were doing 700 to 800 plants...outdoors... if you can find your plants you want inside and sex them to find a female then start up some clones...use clones will save your selve soo much time and effort...


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt organize them in rows, and columns. That makes it easier for Copters to spot them. However if copters arent a problem, then nothin to worry about.

Best of luck to ya mate<3


Active Member
Make sure its a area with lots of sun because if their in the shade they will die so if theres not alot of sun pick a new spot or cut the trees branches out of the way.