My 1st Grow. White Widdow in a bubbler


New Member
today is the day to switch. My sleeping habits are weird, so I should probably decide when I want the 12 off. Once I am set up in the new tent. Ill post pictures. Finally time to flower! (Hope its a she!)

Oh, for the lights, I read somewhere, that it might be good to do mostly 2700K with some 6500K with it.
from what people have told me in the forum use the 3:1 ratio for veg and the switch it around for flowering

past times

Well-Known Member
That's a whole lotta duct tape hahhaha. effective. Is your flower room all fluorescence? That is a nice big room not to use a HID.


Active Member
That's a whole lotta duct tape hahhaha. effective. Is your flower room all fluorescence? That is a nice big room not to use a HID.
Yes, all Flo. Im in an apartment. It gets hot enough in there using fluorescent. Cant imagine using the hot stuff.

Yea, the duct tape is working well keeping the algae down. Light gets into the orange bucket pretty easy. Shoulda done the lid. Did on the next one.


Well-Known Member
you could yield anywhere from 1 to 6 ounces just depends on the pheno and environment lighting all that jazz. 2 is a safe bet of a yield you may get more as long as you keep her happy. i just pulled 10 ounces from 3 white widow plants that i put into flower 5 weeks from seed. i was using 1000 watt though but cfls can pack it on if you use them right.


Active Member
I think it is really liking the mylar in the tent. It looks healthier than ever, when I thought it was going to go into a little bit of stress.

Today has been a good day. The White Widow is looking great, and I finally got 2 of the Bianca seeds to germinate.


Active Member
These are the 2 clones I posted on the 1st page.

Clone #1 White Widow. Hopefully going to be the Mother. Cloned from a Top

Clone #2 White Widow. Lower Branch


Active Member
12 days of flower. She is definitely female. What do you think of her health and growth rate etc...?



Staff member
she looks good, the one light looks close but it could be angle of the way the camera is taking a photo cause it almost looks like its sitting on a leaf lol


Active Member
she looks good, the one light looks close but it could be angle of the way the camera is taking a photo cause it almost looks like its sitting on a leaf lol
Thanks, I was gone for a couple days and came back to it nearly touching it, so I moved the light higher.


Active Member
So, all those little flower spots are what turn to buds, right?? There seems to be a bunch of them.


Active Member
Here is the updated picture. Seems like lots of bud sites. Crystals on the buds and leaves already. Still not harvesting for another 5 weeks.



Active Member
I have some very large fan leaves covering the lower bud sites, should I cut them off or leave them? the buds on the lower half of the plant look much smaller.


Active Member
Would it hurt to put some lights at the bottom of the tent to give more light to the bottom half of the plant?


Looking good man! Consider positioning the lights mid-height on the plants, not the bottom of the tent. I tried some defoliation on my grow, while it does help to buff up the lower branches, I'm not sure it's the best way. Were I able, I'd just supplement light on the middle.


Active Member
Looking good man! Consider positioning the lights mid-height on the plants, not the bottom of the tent. I tried some defoliation on my grow, while it does help to buff up the lower branches, I'm not sure it's the best way. Were I able, I'd just supplement light on the middle.
Thanks. I reorganized the lights, plus plan to add 2 more cfl's this week for the last few weeks of flower. 1 65w (300w) 6500K and 1 65w (300w) 2700K. Hopefully it will brighten it up much more.

I also added a clone that has veg'd awhile.


Active Member
Here are some new pictures

Its taking up alot of room in the tent, so Im hoping its a big yielder


Well-Known Member
She looks good but she really needs more light.
If you had more intense lighting she wouldn't stretch
out like that and take up so much space.

I wouldn't cut off any leaves, IMO you should add more lighting
down the sides if using cfls or go hps and add some exhaust fans
for cooling in the future.

The plant looks great though.