My 1st grow


Well-Known Member
go grassgirl its your birthday
go grassgirl its your birthday


really good job i havent been watching from the start


Well-Known Member
I actually did them 2 days ago :oops: (couldn't wait :lol: )

Am doing the other 2 tomoro & will post all their pics when I have :D


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, have been a little busy x
I promise that I'll post some pics tomorrow, ended up making butter with the first plant & some trimmings off the second,
The first plant only weighed 1oz dry, cos of how seedy it was :cry:
the other 2 which I chopped today look alot more promising tho :D


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, have been a little busy x
I promise that I'll post some pics tomorrow, ended up making butter with the first plant & some trimmings off the second,
The first plant only weighed 1oz dry, cos of how seedy it was :cry:
the other 2 which I chopped today look alot more promising tho :D
Gratz on the harvesting GG
any smoke is better than buying it I think
Lets see some pix from the chop OK?
are you going to plant any of those seeds?


Well-Known Member
Hey gg!!

Hope everything is going well with ya! Glad to hear your first grow was a success!!! Can't wait to see pics!



Well-Known Member
I guess but it bums me out that we follow along for so long giving advice and encouragement only to be drooped like some tramp. Im not talking about this thread really. I havent followed along that long but it happens around here alot.


Well-Known Member
I guess but it bums me out that we follow along for so long giving advice and encouragement only to be drooped like some tramp. Im not talking about this thread really. I havent followed along that long but it happens around here alot.
i know what you mean but if it is any consolation - here is a link to one of my harvests (the link starts at the harvest pix so you don't have to wade through the rest!)...