My 1st Trip to "White Castle" aka 1st Grow


Yes i actually had 5 all close together, i vegged them just enough nodes to find out their sex and as soon as i seen pollen sacs, ripped them out to ensure root space for remaining females, thankfully as they do, the males showed first, that has always been the case for me but a late bloomer appeared male to me only once, but it was probably because of stress and transplanting and possibly its flowering genetics, i wasnt so good back then but i've learned through my mistakes and no nutrient burn at all, just mild heat stress from them growing into my CFLs too quickly and i have 2 females left that you can see in the thumbnails of the 5 and they are doing well in the same container, just cut out the bottom and added another 1 and half gallon of dirt for the roots to find, they took off 3 or 4 days after transplant, its exciting as this will be my first completed yield, so im not exactly a professional myself and im still ok, i wouldnt suggest more than 2 in a pot though, i just wanted to yield something, i wasnt going for the max production of the plant, but if it ends up giving me it anyways thats ok :-) their just bagseed lol but i liked the stuff a lot, so that matters too, the molasses packed weight on the buds for sure though, so i'll be another to testify that it works.


Hey Machuca,
Welcome to the RIU community, I hope im one of the first to tell you that :)
I have became a Loyal fan of LST. I love the outcome of it, if done properly. I would suggest doing this to anybody.
I thought about doing Auto's but I really wanting to experience the whole vegging stage. Im gonna stay in the Vegging stage for as long as I can and my space allows it. Im also gonna pull some clones from her, hopefully in the next 2....3 weeks. Im in the process of making a bubbler cloner now. Im also wanting to hear some opinions of using co2 in a grow.
What are you using in the last pics for your LST work? Looks like they go into the soil?


Well i thought as much too, but they seemed to grow regardless and ever since i cut 3 out and the roots died out from them, the 2 females, left are continuing to be in bud production, no slowing growth, i can see them fattening up more now, 23 days into flower, pistils are endless, surprised me to say the least, they have 2 and half gallon of root space, so fingers are crossed they mature with no issues, the stems are on seperate sides of the bucket their in so the roots arent conflicting too much, they are probably well started into my bucket below the first, they've show great progress.

Kevin A

Active Member
What are you using in the last pics for your LST work? Looks like they go into the soil?
Im using Bobby pins right now. I bought 100 of them at the dollar store for $1. I was scared that I would jab the pins in the ground and damage the root system, but I slowly put them in the ground and be as careful as possible. I have my plants almost horizontal to the ground and they are getting really bushy. I dont plant on topping or FIM'ing my plants just straight up LST. I love how the undergrowth just gets bushier and bushier every day. I watered them today and may have pics up tomorrow, I dunno, just depends on how im feeling tomorrow after work. I had to close my store down tonight and open it in the morning and with my insomia, I may be lucky and get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. Its 2am now gotta be back at work at 8am, which means I gotta be out the door by 7:30am. I have a feeling i will be up a while tonight on RIU. I love this place :)

Kevin A

Active Member
I just want to tell everybody thanks for all the help and support. I cant believe my page has had over 1000 views and almost 100 posts. Great Job everybody.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
3 plants in one pot is not badass lol..its a really bad idea.. guarantee those things will be dead within the next month TOPS... roots get tangled and rip each other out of the soil.its happened to me before on my first grow.. i learned my lesson :D


3 plants in one pot is not badass lol..its a really bad idea.. guarantee those things will be dead within the next month TOPS... roots get tangled and rip each other out of the soil.its happened to me before on my first grow.. i learned my lesson :D
Well i double potted and the roots seem to be growing down, the plants are not very large at all, i'd probably say their 2 feet, their budding incredibly though man, their progress is sick and they were stressed some largely by me, but their still pushing through their life cycle normally, the hairs are actually starting to get a very mild yellow hue to them from normal aging, about 25 days in flower and i hope i can prove you wrong, im counting on this for some start of the summer smoke, when its summer time, you gotta have weed lol and as the plant sits, i still have more than i could have asked for, its a rewarding experience, first yield and i have had them on a 11 on and 13 off schedule, once again, im aware that in the world of growing it may be taboo and yield will be a loss, but just need to finish these things, i think they thoroughly enjoy their home and again its only 2 not 3, im crazy not insane lol


I just want to tell everybody thanks for all the help and support. I cant believe my page has had over 1000 views and almost 100 posts. Great Job everybody.
no problem man, the avatar makes me think of if you asked Chong a question and he gave you a WTF? look lol

Kevin A

Active Member
Im so glad you know my avatar, Ive had some people tell me that I should take my pic down cause its not a good idea to have a pic of yourself up and Im like, Your a stoner and dont know who my avatar is?? LOL


Im so glad you know my avatar, Ive had some people tell me that I should take my pic down cause its not a good idea to have a pic of yourself up and Im like, Your a stoner and dont know who my avatar is?? LOL
lol yeah i know, he looks extra stoned in that pic, i guess people are just used to seeing him the way he used to look, not now that he has grown older with short grey hair and stuff, wish i smoked 10% of what he has though :-0


Active Member
I feel like there is no way you can fuck up a Fox Farm grow. I attribute all of my success to that soil hah. Looks good dude!
FF kinda gives nutrient burn, the first few weeks of veg! Well for me it does, how about you! If you don't have nutrient burn how can i try and avoid it! I don't start adding real nutrients until 1 why are the nutrients in the soil, giving nutrient burn!

Kevin A

Active Member
FF kinda gives nutrient burn, the first few weeks of veg! Well for me it does, how about you! If you don't have nutrient burn how can i try and avoid it! I don't start adding real nutrients until 1 why are the nutrients in the soil, giving nutrient burn!
Tell me a little about how you started off your grow, how did you germate them? What type of lights are you using? Have you checked your pH of your water?

My plants have not even shown ANY signs of nute burn this entire grow so far. It could be the strained that you are trying to grow? Did you do some research on your strain??

Kevin A

Active Member
I really believe it has to do with the strained. Sounds like you may have a strain that is more acceptable to nute burn. So im sure using Light Warrior is the safest thing to do. I'm happy that my plants are taking to the Ocean Forest perfectly. That just lets me know that my strain, White Castle, is acceptable to the FF: OF. Next time I may not be as lucky so i will consider using FF:LW to avoid any nute burn at the early stage of there life. But first I will do plenty of research on my next strain, you can never do enough research.

Kevin A

Active Member
Day 25.jpgDay 25.jpgDay 25a.jpgDay 25.jpgDay 25a.jpgDay 25.jpgHAPPY 420 EVERYBODY,

Its only right to have pics of todays update. So pack up your bowl and enjoy.

Day 25:

Day 25.jpgThere you go everybody, I started playing Metal Gear Solid 4, while those pics were uploading. a little FYI

Kevin A

Active Member
Thanks. I am absolutly loving how things are going. I have been reading about the strain and im hearing nothing but good stuff about it. EXCITED!!!