As long as the roots aren't drowning, let it rain. If they seem to be flooding, mulch it up tight like was suggested. Your plants are looking nice and strong, and if they're not flooding, I wouldn't worry too much about all the rain until the temps start to drop off and the buds start to form. Then its time to keep an eye out for dreaded bud rot. At that point in time, if its convenient at all, it would be worth it to give 'em a visit after the heavy rains to shake some of the accum'ed water out. They're all looking great in the pics, so the feeding regimen seems to be working out for you! On my end of Canada we're getting a lot of the same constant rain, but at this point I haven't had any setbacks because of it, fought off some slugs, but other than that it's just been a lot less water hauling this year! Best of luck!