my 250-400 galaxy ballast grow at last


Well-Known Member
Picture 056.jpgPicture 057.jpgPicture 058.jpg2 of them made it through the screen this morning im getting a good rate of growth & according to my calculations should harvest in mid-may up untill now this has been a boring grow kinda making me wish i hadnt started this thread so soon & skipped over the boring stuff skywalker is one of those strains that saves the best for last i just love this stuff & its growth charactaristics are like nothing else ive grown so far except for possibly 707 headband gonna up the nutes today:confused::hump:


Well-Known Member
Picture 059.jpgPicture 060.jpgPicture 061.jpgi ended up keeping the feeding schedule the same i cut the hours of light back to 16 from 18 i think im gonna clone in about 5 days & flip the light 12/12 at that time i like the color the cal-mag is giving my leaves i cant wait untill my first buds appear my work has picked up & im not getting the amount of time to spend on my grow that i had through the winter:cry:


Well-Known Member
Picture 062.jpgPicture 063.jpgPicture 065.jpgPicture 066.jpgthis stuff is starting to give off some smell i didnt get smell untill well into bud cycle in my other grow but make no mistake about it this stuff has a strong skunk/cat piss odor & i havent even flipped the light yet ona-gel is gonna be a must im gonna have to do some pruning when i clone probably this week-end all my efforts are gonna be going into developing the canopy above the screen im gonna start spraying for spidermites as theyre an ongoing battle around here:hump::?


Well-Known Member
Picture 070.jpgPicture 069.jpgPicture 068.jpgPicture 067.jpgno work today so i took some pics by this week-end ill have everything moved into its final position in preparatoin for the flip & i set up a place for my clones the 2 gal smart pots seem to be working out & the 4 plants also seem to be a good match-up for the 250w. light i still reserve the option of kicking things up to 400w. in the future the billing cycle on my power bill goes from the 14th.- the 14th. so soon ill have a full month of running this set-up to examine im curious about the consumption as compared to the 600w. i ran in the past or the 1000w. ive ran as well a friend turned me on to a jar of ona-gel to help with the odor & while i was visiting i checked out his 2000w. 4x8 crazy miss hyde grow thats about 35 days into the bloom cycle my blackwater baby is looking good & hopefuly by the flip i can clone it im gonna have to remove 2 plants from my tub & position my 4 plants where i want them under the screen as all of this starts coming together:weed:


Well-Known Member
not a lot of change but it comes down to the fact that in the next few days ive got to clone & get the plants into their final position under the screen as soon my limbs will be too far through the screen to move its gonna be all about developing the canopy & pruning the lower non productive stuff off still considering switching to 400w. once they start budding:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Picture 073.jpgPicture 074.jpgPicture 075.jpgthe past couple of days have given me an explosion of growth theyve been vegging about 25 days & as of now are right on parr with my other coco grows im starting to really feel good about things:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Picture 074.jpgPicture 073.jpgPicture 017.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 005.jpga lot can happen in a month & this grow is no exception here is pics from the beginning & looking scrawnny to looking a whole lot better today im wanting to get these cloned & the light flipped 12/12 so we can get this under way


Well-Known Member
Picture 079.jpgPicture 076.jpgPicture 077.jpgPicture 078.jpgPicture 080.jpgok theyre cloned & the light flipped 12/12 also placed them in their final positions under the screen & im down to the 4 plants im gonna flower did a lot of pruning while gathering clone material so far the 250w. is working good but wondering if i shouldnt up it to 400w. & if i would see a significant increase in my final yield due to the increase in lumens i see other 250w. growers using supplimental lighting [leds or cfl's] to finish their stuff off im still on the fence on that decision im gonna up nutes to aggressive growth to coencide with the upcoming stretch im gonna experience in the next 10 days i usually get bud-nubbins 9 days after the flip with this strain then ill introduce the bud nutes in the transition schedule which has veg & flower nutes combined & im thinking of making a modified transition schedule as well:confused::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
no real reason not to run the 400w. my first grow light was a 400 & i did 4 grows with it then i traded up to a 1000 & a 600 & ran 2 rooms for awhile [which started to cost] this is the first time ive ever tried a 250 & so far its working good but these are gonna stretch & i think ill need the extra lumens in the end [in 1-2 weeks i think im gonna crank it up to 400] thanks for dropping by geero it looks like were gonna be having buds goin on at the same time i see youre in canada someday im gonna go up there as the country is so beautiful & fishing top-notch too were in a drought here [cen-cal] so the fishing hasnt been all that lately


Well-Known Member
Picture 081.jpgPicture 082.jpgnot a lot of change yet just trying to fill in the screen my clones are doing well im gonna feed them again tomorrow i cant wait for my first buds to show debating just when im gonna kick it up to 400w.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Picture 084.jpgPicture 085.jpgPicture 088.jpgPicture 089.jpgPicture 092.jpgin spite of a mediocre beginning this grow is taking shape i upped the wattage to 400w. & fed the transition schedule as in spite of it only being a few days since flipping the light bud sites are developing & my main stalks are starting to fatten up this is my first time trying this strain in coco & the first time using 2 gal. smart pots so far everything is matching up nicely this strain is kind of timid when young but as it gets older can become quite aggressive:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Man, for you being so active on this thread I can't believe it's not getting more views. Pitty.

Anyways, The plants are looking much better than they did at start (no offense). If it were me though, I probably would have done a little more training on those girls rather than chop so much undergrowth. The only reason I say this is because it's a scrog grow, and the purpose of scrog is to a. open up the canopy to allow undergrowth to develope, and b. to control spacing between colas. I mean don't get me wrong, you can successfully do a scrog the way you have it, and i'm sure you will. I just feel had you lowered that screen and bent those branches over more you could have created more colas per plant. Just something to think about, not trying to hate on your grow at all.


Well-Known Member
Picture 072.jpgPicture 055.jpgPicture 068.jpgPicture 033.jpgPicture 019.jpgPicture 017.jpgyeah i dont get much action on this thread as for this scrog thing im thinking its gonna be a learning experience as this stuff is gonna stretch last grow it was snapping branches this gives off small to medium size buds but theyre heavy for their size im hoping the screen cures this these are pics from my last grow


Well-Known Member
Picture 095.jpgPicture 094.jpgPicture 093.jpgtheyre starting to stretch & i was counting on it im gonna have to do a lot more training as the stretch kicks off


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpga little more training for the new growth today the weather is warming up & so is my room im gonna have to hook up my duct fans & run ducting to my hood & move my ballast to the outside of the room im gonna have to make a small vented dispenser for the ona-gel:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3029943a little more training for the new growth today the weather is warming up & so is my room im gonna have to hook up my duct fans & run ducting to my hood & move my ballast to the outside of the room im gonna have to make a small vented dispenser for the ona-gel:mrgreen:
Man those are growing quick. By the way, those buds,from the last grow look chronic. Unless the strain just naturally has thin branching you can do some things to help strengthen them.
One being the moat obvious. A large fan.
Another would be to supercrop the plants when theyre younger.
And also dyna gro pro-tekt. The silica will help stregnthen the plant and increase over all ability to endure stress.
Im sure you know these but if you havent already tried these things together, you should look into it.


Well-Known Member
hey rickymac21 thanks for stopping by i did a little supercropping in the beginning [gotta be carefull after a few beers] & i think youre right about the silica & im gearing up for the next grow & putting ideas from info on my little log im keeping this is both the most challenging strain & the most rewarding strain ive grown all in one youre advice is much appreciated & not falling on deaf ears thanks h.h.


Well-Known Member
hey rickymac21 thanks for stopping by i did a little supercropping in the beginning [gotta be carefull after a few beers] & i think youre right about the silica & im gearing up for the next grow & putting ideas from info on my little log im keeping this is both the most challenging strain & the most rewarding strain ive grown all in one youre advice is much appreciated & not falling on deaf ears thanks h.h.
Well im pumped to see some nugs. Keep it up


Well-Known Member
Picture 002.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 005.jpgi have enough of the gh-3 part flora series to take me well into my next grow but gh just released a feeding schedule for their maxi series nutes that incorporates their addatives that ive used on both the floranova & the 3- part flora nutes what i like about the maxi series nutes is the fact they were originaly designed as a stand alone nutrient & i used to use it but i like my addatives too now i can have it all gh factory is a couple of hours from my house & their nutes & addatives are priced pretty low & im pretty happy with them i had to work today so not much got done in the growroom im waiting for lights out so i can spray for spidermites that seem to come with the warmer weather just a preventive measure at this point when i had my old ballast i couldnt take pics without the tiger stripes & gave it no thought untill checking out rickymac's thread i guess you can take lights on pics with a digital ballast im still training my canopy but the back limbs are hard to reach as i can only access my 3x4ft. room from its doorway which might not work out ideal but its working hopefully by tomorrow i can hook up my fans & ducting as my temps are starting to climb here is todays pics