My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine


Active Member
Aside from a slight leaf droop from lack of water she is looking really good. My 50% promix 50% perlite soil doesn't hold water for long so daily watering is now necessay. From the pictures submitted earlier you can tell she continues to grow at a good pace. What I'm noticing is the entire plant seems to be rising up. By that I mean I can now see more of the stems under the plant whereas before it was like a bush with the ground level stem views obscured by leaves. Also the new young growth on top of the plant seems to have popped a bit further out from the canopy. From the side you can really see the new growth distancing itself from the canopy, if that makes sense. The water runoff seems a bit more settled with pH levels below 7.0. I have calibrated my meters using a buffer and they were already pretty darn close. Nute ppm's on the latest runoff (about an hour ago) were 313. No new brown patch problems and leaves have perked up in the last hour since I gave the gal some water. All and all your guidance and tips from others have helped this newbie avoid killing the plant and helped her thrive. Glad to hear I have buds in the near future. That will be a major milestone. My CFLs are a mix of 2700K all the way up to 6500K. Should I be replacing the 6500K lights with 2700K CFLs to aid in the flowering/budding process?


Active Member
Pleased to hear shes ok pirate.
AS for your lighting,you are correct in saying you need more 2700k(red spectrum).
CFL`s will do the job but HPS are better for flowering,but you need a separate ballast for HPS
which can be expensive.
I use a 250w dual spectrum HPS right thro my grow and add a 65w CFL for flowering.
I find this combo works ok for my 2 or 3 plants.
Dnt replace all the blue spectrum tho,as your plant can still use it during flowering.
I love this stage,as you can just about watch your plants growing.


Active Member
Okay, you have me curious about HPS lights. I keep reading that heat is the major downside to HPS. I have no real way to vent heat out. How do you handle it? I remember you mentioning that you vent smell up a chimney. Is that the way you vent the heat also? My CFLs only seem to raise the temp in the tent about 4 degrees higher than room temp. Also when you say "dual spectrum" does that mean you have 2 separate bulbs or one bulb with 2 light spectrums? The more I learn about growing the less I know.


Active Member
Extraction fans vent out smell and heat,both go into my flue.
Last summer we had a heat wave here,and my temps in tent got into the 90`s.
My 250w hps gave out too much heat,and i couldnt afford a cfl bulb,which arnt so hot.
My plants really suffered,so did i,as i had very little pain relief for my osteo-arthritis.
Im seriously thinking of getting a led lamp,as they dnt give out much heat,but i would probs
need a small greenhouse tube heater to maintain a good growing temp.
Dual spectrum bulbs have both spectrums in the one bulb.
Have a look on the lighting forum on RIU.


Active Member
Looking good pirate.
Im not familiar with Fox Farm nutes,but its about now that i would be cutting back on my grow(veg) nutes
and adding bloom nutes.Your lady still needs N in flower,just not as much.
Perhaps someone who has(or is)used Fox Farm nuts can help you on this one.
Just thought i had better mention it,as you could get a N def in flower.


Active Member
Coming along nicely pirate.
Hard to count buds from pics.Some of the fan leaves are a bit droopy,be careful not
to overfeed again.


Active Member
I'm barely feeding her now. Only 304 ppm. Do you think it's better to not give a higher concentration or risk having a nute deficiency? From the Fox Farm feeding schedule a full feeding should be in the range of 1330-1470 ppm with next week jumping to 2100-2240 ppm so I'm well below giving even a quarter of what is prescribed. I guess your leaf droop observation means she is getting enough nutes (possibly too much) now. This morning she drank 4 liters of water only (spaced over 30 minutes) before I got any runoff.



Active Member
Overall she looks good,nice colour,new growth seems ok.
I think i would just keep feeding as it is,but a bit more bloom than grow nutes now shes in flower.
Ideally,you want your fan leaves to be pointing upwards like a christmas tree,this means the
plant is getting all it needs.
Drooping leaves can also mean underfeeding,but im guessing,coz of the overall colour of her that this
is not the case.Photos can be deceiving tho colourwise.Ive seen my own pics come out yellow,when the
plant is totally green.
Keep an eye on your new growth pirate,a lighter shade of green than older growth(not yellow) is good.
You are doing well up to now,holding yourself back on feeding too heavy.
Keep it up,and GL.


Active Member
Robro alert! Tonight I noticed some definite general leaf drooping PLUS a set of leaves at ground level were yellowing. The yellow leaves are sort of tucked in the interior of the plant so maybe light deficiency has something to do with that. I'll include a screen print of my last few days of activities which includes no nutes but a fair amount of watering. I have been swapping out 6500 kelvin lights to 2700 kelvin lights over the last week. There are still however some 6500K lights in the tent. I'll also add a photo from several days ago (Day 44) so you can compare with today (Day 47). My water meter says the plant needed water. Any ideas?



Active Member
Are your pots really lightweight when you water?You mite be watering too often,autos dnt like too much water.
I think i see a Mg def now,yellowing betwwen veins and curling of leaf edge along its length.
Epsom salts dissolved in warm water shud sort it.Either added to medium or foliar fed.A teaspoon a gallon i think
is the normal dosage
But as ive told you before try to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion on this,as there are a lot more experienced growers
than me on here.


Active Member
Pot is around 7 gallons so it's pretty heavy anyway but yes it does seem a bit on the heavy side even when I water. Hopefully someone will see this reply and chime in on if they also think Mg deficiency is playing a part in the yellowing.


Active Member
I notice from your log that your ph level has been anything but constant.
One day you give plant 6.7ph with run off of 6.0,which suggests your soil ph is about 5.3.
Then your next feed/waterings are 6.4 and 6.1.You shud be aiming for 6.5-6.8.
Try mixing some dolomite of lime into the top couple of inches of your soil,this should help
stop your ph getting too low.
Next grow mix in dol of lime to your promix before you start growing,and you shouldnt have to ph at all.
GL pirate.


Active Member
I shoot for 6.4-6.5 pH water in but sometimes I miss the mark a bit. Is 6.5-6.8 the range you have found works best with autos? If so, that will be my new target range since I'm shooting in the dark here. The wife agrees that overwatering might be the root (no pun intended) of this particular issue since her "finger in soil" test comes back moist. I'm going to stop by store today and get some dolomite of lime and work it into top layer of soil. Do you think about a cup of lime is sufficient for application? Thanks for the quick response. Here is an entry on LEAF420 about yellow leaves.



Active Member
I grow mainly in coco,which is a different recommended ph than soil.Look at these charts pirate,
you will see that you are locking out P,Ca and Mg with your low ph.
The one for soil is on the right.
The recommended dosage for dol. of lime is a tablespoon per gallon.I think a tbsp is half an ounce.
A cup full is 8 oz.As you can only mix it into the top of your soil,start light(as always)say half an oz.
Dol works because the water you put in the medium lays beside the lime mixed in soil,and it gradually changes
the ph towards 7.0.So if only mixed in at the top,most of your water is going to run thro it,and the lime will
not have time to work.But it should help in the long run.It just takes time.


Active Member
The plant still looks about the same....leaves a bit droopy but not much more (or less) in the way of yellowing. I did notice a bit of yellowing on the margins of some leaves. I have some pics. I'm going to hold off watering until tomorrow which will be 3 days since last watering to allow for drying of roots. At that time I'll also add lime to sweeten soil. Pictures might be a bit yellow since I took them under cfl lights. I'm also going to try only 2 teaspoons of lime in the water tomorrow. Another thing I noticed and you will see it in "plant1-Day50 buds2.jpg" is the end of one very small bud leaf near top seems red and another is completely red. I'm red & green color blind (no kidding) so let me know if you see it different.



Active Member
Those top bud leaves look brown to me pirate.
The yellowing you notice on some other leaf margins could be the start of a K def.The leaf tips are brown
and will probs start to curl;maybe a light feed would be in order tomorra as well.
I know you have Hydrogen peroxide to help put oxygen into the root zone.I have never used the stuff,but i
would be tempted to use a small amount each watering until she bounces back.
Perhaps someone with more experience of using it can help there.
GL pirate.


Active Member
I checked plant this morning and it doesn't look any worse and leaves do look perkier. Plant container is about as light as I have felt it in a long time. The affected leaves still do not constitute the major part of plant but rather some with very tips of fan leaves brown (mostly towards bottom of plant) and several leaves at bottom of plant yellowing plus some margins of mid level leaves a bit yellowish with brown patches. Take a look at pics and give me your assessment please.

