Well-Known Member
I think that dog would hunt. The problem (you can overcome) is how much to be effective without damping air flow too much? In this case the slower fans might work best rather than have backwash and turbulence. That is true with any fan (or turbo or supercharger) application. Make your connections secure after you fill with carbon. You know loose packed will settle from the RPM at some point so lightly packing is going to be needed or lose the effect by creating an open headspace eventually. Then fire it up and do the smoke test. If it can't evacuate smoke without backflow you need to think possibly a slower fan or a retail carbon filter. Good luck and +rep for being a reasonable thinker whether it ends up working or not.I was going to use one of these 6" engine intake air filters, only $25 shipped on ebay, put a nylon inside, fill it with carbon, tie the end of the nylon and attach it to the inline fan, I would think you would get more life and be able to remove more odor out of this method and the only thing you would have to replace is the carbon, do you think the OP's idea would work better?
I'd use fine metal screen instead of a nylon bag. At Lowes but make sure it isn't that vinyl shit they sell. The metal will allow more stuffing and packing before it begins to deform your paper.