Active Member
mad props dude I'm going to make one today
At the pet store i go to they let me look in the box before i buy it cuz i say i have to see if is the rite one for my filter set-up LOL.But now i just steal 'em ahaha.
I saw those filters when I was getting air pumps for my airated water plant. It would seem like the scotch brite thing used a lot more carbon. arent those fish filters really thin and meager. Your telling me that little peace of carbon will control the odor?
Your activated carbon is for liquids and will not work for cleaning air. So much for $3 air filter. Nice try though you will need Vaporbased charcoal used in airmask filters (Like ones used in automotive paint masks).
Your activated carbon is for liquids and will not work for cleaning air. So much for $3 air filter. Nice try though you will need Vaporbased charcoal used in airmask filters (Like ones used in automotive paint masks).
Not trying to Dis your design. Just trying to improve by stating Vapour based charcoal works and Charcoal for water does Not.Wow,you have not a clue do you.
Im amazed at your post & would love to know your reasoning behind it,if you dont like my idea thats fine but please dont post stupid bullshit in my thread & try to pass it off as correct information.
So much for your post.
Well those people that claim charcoal for water filters works are not experienced with Airfilters. Vapour based charcoal is the only product to use. Period!
And if you people want to have there neighbors smell your weed go right ahead. And use crap charcoal from Wal-Mart.
Awesome design/idea Panhead - I'm gonna give it a try tomorrow!
Thanks dude... +rep for you!
I take it I hit a nerve.
Hey PanHead
!Chill already!
I never Dis'ed your design! All I was stating was Vapor Based charcoal is the way to go.
Your design is very well thought out and cheap & easy to make!!!!!!!. But you could improve it by using Vapor based Charcoal.
As you stated!
Remember, the reason were supposed to post is to be helpfull to others.
I never meant to pee in your corn flakes.
Have a hoot already and chill!
And Florida Girl has a great idea with Velcro A+
Some poeple's pride gets hurt so easy.