My $3 Carbon Filter

il do it that way actuly, just put a few clamps on it!! does it get rid of all the smell or just a lot of it?

I only visit my grow op every 2 days since its not in my home,being that my visits are limited my sense of smell has not become used to the odor,when i walk in the building i smell nothing,it's not until i enter the room can i smell anything at all.

For me these filters have been 100% effective in getting rid of ALL of the smell,no smell inside the bldg & no smell anywhere outside the bldg.
I only visit my grow op every 2 days since its not in my home,being that my visits are limited my sense of smell has not become used to the odor,when i walk in the building i smell nothing,it's not until i enter the room can i smell anything at all.

For me these filters have been 100% effective in getting rid of ALL of the smell,no smell inside the bldg & no smell anywhere outside the bldg.
question pothead, can you rince off the carbon filters and reuse them?
question pothead, can you rince off the carbon filters and reuse them?

Haha,i answered your question on the previous page early this morning,its a good question though,unfortunately i cant give you a answer from experience,i never thought of rinsing them off until you mentioned it,thanks for the idea,it may work great.

Here was my plan,i had planned on using the fliters until they started to release smell,then i had planned on laying a towel over them & smashing up the carbon a little with a hammer to re activate it,i will try rinsing half of them & smashing the carbon in the other half,the problem is that im not sure when they are going to become ineffective,im damm near at 4 months right now & they are still working like new with no smell.

Also in your last post you mentioned throwing them out,there is no need to throw them away,in the event that the carbod becomes 100% used up & will not filter the smell properly you simply cut a small slot in the filter,pour out the old carbon then refill the bag & close the cut in the bag,or if velcro was used to close the top of the bag as mentioned earlier in the thread by another member its even easier to refill.

As soon as my filters that are in heavy use start to release any smell at all i will post how long they lasted, then i will try both rinsing them & smashing the carbon.
what size fan do you having pulling air out of the room?

I have two 4 inch inline fans & two 6 inch inline fans in each room pulling air,then outside the room all exhaust connects into a single run & is pushed by another 6 inch fan (no filter) straight up the chimney.
I wish i had a good answer for you but i dont,ive been using them for nearly 4 months now & their still working like new,as for smashing up the carbon i did just that on a few of the one's i made,the ones with the smashed carbon do not work any better or worse than the unsmashed filters.

I personally think it's better not to smash the carbon right from the start,in the event they start to allow smell to pass months down the road you'll have a 2 minute quick fix at hand by smashing up the carbon.

You'll finish an entire grow before you need to smash the carbon, that i know for sure cause ive just finished a harvest with them & their still working.

thats crazy man, i'm definately going to look into this
just bought the stuff, about to start sewing tonight, haha. id give rep but im a noob to the forum(been a lurker for a few months though). care to explain to me how i go about upping your rep points?
just bought the stuff, about to start sewing tonight, haha. id give rep but im a noob to the forum(been a lurker for a few months though). care to explain to me how i go about upping your rep points?

Haha rep,ok cool,thanks.

You simply click on the little icon on the top right that looks like a set of balance beam scales then leave the rep you desire,good or bad.

More importantly than rep, please post your results on how they take care of any smell issues once you get them installed.
My plants are stinkin up my house lol and this sounds great. From my understanding I just make these filters than tape them on a fan and point the fan at the plants and it will kill the smell?
My plants are stinkin up my house lol and this sounds great. From my understanding I just make these filters than tape them on a fan and point the fan at the plants and it will kill the smell?

Its not that simple,in order for you to clean the air in your room you need to bring in fresh air & exhaust stale air,for any carbon filter to work at maximum performance levels the filter should be hooked to a powered exhaust that takes the filtered air from the grow area,then an air intake should replace the air that is being exhausted with fresh air.

You could use a carbon filter, then exhaust straight back into the grow room but unless you have a high cfm intake fan, along with a serious capacity carbon filter that method is not something i'd reccomend.

You might want to research air filtration for grow rooms a little more to get an idea of what good ventilation & odor control takes to accomplish.
Hi Pan,
Do you think one of those would work for a room thats 10 cubic meter with four plants?
Here is my version, hope it works!
thanks pan!


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put and extractor fan inbetween your filter and the weed and itwill help pull the 'smell' into the 'cleaner'
If you fold it in half and stick it in the hose, It would have to restict flow,doesn't it? It seems like it would after looking at "Azadeh's" pics. What size fans would you recommend with a 6 foot run to the fan? I have a Dayton 265, would that be enough putting the filter in the hose in the grow room then 6' to 7' to the fan under my room with nothing coming out of the exit from the fan.