my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
Hey Old Dude, I got your message and think I replied, let me know if you don't receive it. It was strange I had to enter another passcode to send the message still not sure if it went though.

I am still floating around, probably stop in about once a week to catch up but rarely post as not much to report, still averaging 16 -22 a rail. Everyone wants the LOG so cut back on my stains, have a cheese I just harvested, won't know weight and or result for another week or so and a WWxBB coming in next time.

All is good with me and glad to see the same with you great folks!


Active Member
Daaaaamn!!! Just trimmed the second of the one I called "The keeper Skunk#1"!!! It should be 6 oz easily I would think, easy to trim, very crystally, and has a hint of purple!!! Can't wait to see what you can do with it SS!! Give it a couple of bends in early veg and get 6-8 main branches going, they all do very good!!!!! Oh yeah, I call it Skunk Yellow cause that is the color of the tack I used, the one with roots!!! The one without roots is Red!!!! If I were you, I would go heavy on yellow and light on red quantities and see what you think of Red. I left it in flower a little too long and it foxtailed a lot, Yellow will do the same, 54-56 days on both I think!!! I would let Red just do it's own thing, it stretches A LOT, and will have a BIG ASS main cola!!!!!!


Active Member
And, the Kushberry look awesome in veg, still be awhile before I flower them though, got some Critical Hogs going too, but don't look anywhere close to the KB!


Active Member
Hey Bleeds, how many plants you running per 1000w in flowere!!! Cutting back on the amount of plants makes a big difference! Gonna start going with 8 as soon as I get off my lazy ass and make some new rails!!!


Well-Known Member
finally growing out tga jilly bean. Had 5 seeds sitting around for a year and they all turned out female :)
these gals are growing big and strong, it is nice to have some solid genetics back in the room
also nice to have a fruity-berry strain back in the room ;-)


Active Member
I think I sent SS some TGA gear, still have some to pop some day too!!! You sure do read a lot of different opinions about Sub and his seeds:):):)


Well-Known Member
SS and co.,

Question about venting the blockbuster 1000's. while using co2

I have hoods venting out and its great, howevver its pulling air from within the room. The minigen i am using is on all the time and doesnt even get over 500ppm. when i run the hood venting at lights on.

its seems that
A) i have to get rid of the co2 completely, as I am not getting over 500 ppm with the minigen
b) draw air in from another room, However I do not have any vents and don't think making an 8inch hole in concrete is a good idea, to get air from another room.

Do I have any other options?


Well-Known Member
SS, you said you vent with the blockbusters and that taking away the canopy heat is what made the biggest difference with your yield.

I am assuming your intake in from another room...

What If took my canopy heat and displaced it into another part of my room, so its not near the canopy and away from the plants. I have 2 splits int here, so i good on the heat..... That way I can still use the CO2 gen.

thoughts. Let me know if you have any questions. So I
think my options as of right no are these

1) vent air to another part of room away from canopy, and dont vent outside at all, maybe 30 minutes a day
2) vent out 15 minutes per hour on lights on, while keeping co2 going and acculamting in the 45 minutes...
3) dont vent at all and run the co2
4) Get rid of co2 and vent
5) find a way to make 6-8 inch hole in wall so you can vent from another room and keep lights cool( hardest option to make happen)


Active Member
It is cheaper to run fans than an AC and that's all I have to say about that!! Having said that, there are advantages to not venting! No loss of co2 and keeping the smell from escaping the room!


Well-Known Member
The only way you will fix that is having a sealed light vent system that pulls from outside but the room and exhausts outside the room. You will never be able to control any atmospheric variables that way.


Well-Known Member
Why would you vent outside at all when running CO2? Could you not just remove the heat from the canopy by directing the cool air from ac across it? I just use a fan to blow cool air from floor across canopy and it seems to work ok.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I thought. I would love to run mech. cooling so I could set up the CO2 system I have but the grow is in a shed and power right now is the biggest hurdle. I need to get a bigger power supply to the shed, the (realy big!!!) extension cord is just not doing it lol. Typically how far away is your light from the top of the canopy? I have a 1000 but fear canopy has gotten too tall to use. The 600 is stressing the plants now if I forget to move it every couple of days. I have 24" left to ceiling :shock:. Do you use a CO2 controller to inject or just continuosly meter the flow?