my 3 stages of flower


Active Member
I think SS believes in it:):):):) I have come to the conclusion, whether right or work who knows, that when using some type of hydro that it is best to defoliate cause the nutes are so readily available! And yes I do quite a bit myself!! I will not attempt to tell you how to go about it cause it is kinda a trial and error kind a think! I actually just sat down after defoliating a rack! I'm still playing with how to go about it with different strains. I did half the rack one way and the other half another way!


Good Morning, I have read this thread and read SB's thread. Is there a place where I can find the plans to SS's upgrades. I have SB's plans but would rather invest the time and money completing SS's system. Any help or direction would be appreciated I want to build it ASAP. Thanks


Active Member
I don't think there are any actual plans!!! Start asking questions about the cloner, then the vegger, then the flower system or where you are at. If SS is tired of answering the questions hopefully everyone will join in. Look back in this thread for pictures!!! Don't ask a hundred question at a time:) we'll get ya going!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey SS or OD or most anybody got a thought on defoliation ?
Oh Yeah Good Morning Everybody!
I had the same question my first run, started from seed and only ended up with three female plants but let them finish out to get a better grasp on the system. One I pretty much left alone, the second I did a little defoliating, and the third I went pretty crazy on. The plant I defoliated most produced the most. I'm now a few days away from my second harvest, defoliated pretty heavily throughout this rack's cycle, and am looking at a huge harvest. The rack that's about six weeks in didn't get as much attention, and compared to the other around the same time there is a noticeable difference, I'm expecting way less out of it...

So really, experiment on a few different plants and see what works best for you, we all wanted the most out of our systems when we first started out, but hey - either way they're still gonna grow! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Hey SS, think there would be any problem having a bucket of veg nutes mixed with water and ph set to add to my hybrid set ups?? It would sit around for up to a week!


Well-Known Member
here are some shots after 1 weeks in flower.IMG-20130202-00053.jpgIMG-20130202-00054.jpgIMG-20130202-00055.jpgIMG-20130202-00056.jpg

Here are some shots after 2 weeks, the growth is amazing, thanks for all the help I got here:


Active Member
Looks good! I think I told you about using the holes as hold down clips, you can also use zip ties and reuse them! Where did you get that netting, I like it????


Active Member
I decided Saturday that I was gonna play with my cloner now that it is done and I'm waiting for my flower room to open up anyway. I went to check on them Sunday and they were all laying down and looked dead. I looked around a thought for a few minutes and noticed my pump wasn't turning on, I hit the reset button on my C.A.P. timer and it took right off! I have been checking on them every few hours or so since then and it looks like most of them stood back up and may have a chance! The timer hasn't messed up again either so hopefully it was just a fluke! Here is a couple of pics from tonight.



Well-Known Member
Those poor,tiny,wee,little,mini, things.
2 things, 1. Take bigger cuttings for gosh sakes. 2. I have never had an issue with my cap timer running 7 pumps but I use a relay power strip.


Active Member
I know I seen the relay power strip somewhere and plan on finding it to make one soon. For now I just plugged one pump into it as running the cloner right now was a last minute decision.

I normally would have took bigger cuttings but these are just a experiment I was playing with to see if the little ones would make it. I didn't expect the timer issue but it does remind me to check on them often! Also I'm not sure how long the pump wasn't running but it had only been 18 hours since I had last been in there.


Well-Known Member
What does it mean when the leaf makes a claw?
Oh Yeah,Good Morning Everybody!
What makes some slow to bud?
Does the hours on the lamp matter?
I backed off the nutes in dwc & they are growing faster but a little lighter green color?


Active Member
What does it mean when the leaf makes a claw?
Oh Yeah,Good Morning Everybody!
What makes some slow to bud?
Does the hours on the lamp matter?
I backed off the nutes in dwc & they are growing faster but a little lighter green color?
Could be too much nutes! When you ask questions like this, give ALL info, ph, ppm, RH, temps.......And try to post a pic!! You can google a question like that, and get a very good answer too!!Not sure what you mean by slow to bud? Some strains take longer that others! Flower lights should be 12/12!! My veg plants have never been as dark of a green as I thought they would be, I just said fuck it, they are growing good:)


Well-Known Member
OD,I see what you mean I didn't describe to good,I'll try again.PH 5.8 steady
water temp 68 air temp 75
The flower sites are there they just don't seem to be growing any,I want to know if the bulb could be getting weak & making it slow to flower.If this don't make any more sence than the last 1 I'll go to sleep come back at it tomorrow.Peace


Active Member
OD,I see what you mean I didn't describe to good,I'll try again.PH 5.8 steady
water temp 68 air temp 75
The flower sites are there they just don't seem to be growing any,I want to know if the bulb could be getting weak & making it slow to flower.If this don't make any more sence than the last 1 I'll go to sleep come back at it tomorrow.Peace
Include ppm!! Yes a bulb can get weak but, I really doubt you would notice at the beginning of the flowere cycle. When you say they don't seem to be growing, do you mean they are not getting bigger or they have not started to flower? How long have they been in flower???


Well-Known Member
I don't do ppm,yet. I use GH 3 part not quiet at full strength,the flower sites started just not getting bigger. The plant itself is growing like a weed.Been in flower 25 days Thanks for the help & have a GREAT day!