Hey SS, I been trying to give you a break,but now I got a ? that I want to be sure of the answer.I had planned to go with the bulb you use when I needed another one.I think it starts with a u,I know it when I see it. The question is last night an old friend came by,gave me a new bulb we had not talked about bulbs he just got a deal on some. I did not like the way it felt when I screwed it in,finally the question will it work correctly in a lumateck (purple 1) ballast?
The bulb I took out had 180 days @ 12 hours a day the filament was looking black on both end,didn't seem to be as hot as when new.
Good news,I think I told you in a pm I was getting a new leg,tried part of it on Tuesday,felt great! I hopefully in 30 days will be walking better than I have in a year or more.Yeeeh - Haww!!