my 3 stages of flower


Well-Known Member
Do you guys feel the size of the net pots/neoprene inserts effects how big the stem grows? I normally use 3.5'' net pots but I'm thinking about switching to 2''. How big are the net pots that you guys use?


Active Member
2s are fine unless you grow trees! If you didn't know, SS sells colored inserts which are cheaper and great for different strains!!!


Well-Known Member
I heard him mention it before, but I thought he quit selling em... Hey, SS if you see this how much for 500 2'' inserts? Figured I'd buy a bunch....


Active Member
Growing bigger plants is freaking me out!!! Not only can I run higher ppms, they are drinking A LOT more water!!! Having said that, damn they look good!!!!


Active Member
You guys' stuff looks awesome, totally wish I could run 1000 watter's. Glad to see everyone doing well, hope you're having a great recovery OD.

Have any of you guys experimented with different timer settings on your pumps? I had to run stealthier for the last 5 or 6 days and set my pumps to 1 min on, 45 min off. The weird thing is my all plants (clone, veg, and flower) have been looking way happier, way more perky and not as droopy, and fan leaves have put on a lot of size. Roots that were popping out of my clones are growing way quicker too. Room temps are at 76-78, humidity at 40-50%, res's around 64-69.

I'm thinking about keeping them this way, do any of you guys foresee or know of any problems I might run in to doing so? Only thing I can think of is root zone temps will increase between waterings, but enough to cause problems?
1 minute on and 45 mins off? Do you use the rail system? I took my timers from 1:20 on/3:10 off to 1:10 on/6:00 off a week ago and have seen no real change to the plants, but I worry about leaving the roots to dry and miss out on the nutrients for too long. Maybe SS can weigh in with what timing has worked best...Seems like 1 min on/8 min off was last posted timing, but my memory is long time gone...


Well-Known Member
1 minute on and 45 mins off? Do you use the rail system? I took my timers from 1:20 on/3:10 off to 1:10 on/6:00 off a week ago and have seen no real change to the plants, but I worry about leaving the roots to dry and miss out on the nutrients for too long. Maybe SS can weigh in with what timing has worked best...Seems like 1 min on/8 min off was last posted timing, but my memory is long time gone...
I was wondering the same, if they were going to miss nutrients for too long at 45min off. I'm running round rails, and had been running 1min on / 10min off.


Active Member
80 second on 8 minutes off!
There it is, thanks Crash, makes sense to use the sweet spot once the research has been done (thanks SS!) and for me that will save some power. 45 mins seems like too long to be off, 'fraid my roots would dry out and stunt growth.


Well-Known Member
Whats up chunks?
Nothing much,still trying to get my system up and runing,a few set backs but I should be all ready within the next few weeks.How about yourself anything new going on,change anything in the last few months that I should know.Its hard keeping up,seems like as soon as I start going in a direction you come up with some different build or change something and have me thinking again lol.


Well-Known Member
Everything has been on cruise control for the last few months. Yields and quality are great. But since i have just finished completely re doing two bedrooms from ceiling to floor i have some free time coming and i almost bought a new smartbin today for a new system i have some ideas for.


Active Member
ok so I am too the point now that I am ready to get a mini-split. my room is 9.5x9.5 with 2000 watts but may upgrade to 3000 down the road. What size should I get? Also what size is your LG mini-split, SS?


Happy 4/20 to all! We owe this delicious fresh weed to all of you who have been so helpful during our first grow with the SB/SS system.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Everything is pretty much dry and starting the cure! I am really impressed with the potency of the Lemon OG and the OG so far, I haven't tried the POG yet, maybe later today.

Happy 420 all!

The Lemon OG was my best producer, 1 plant was 4oz the other 5.5oz (this one was toped). The POG and the OG were close seconds both coming in at 4oz. The Cantaloupe came in at just 2 oz. Sage was also 2 oz. the rest aren't worth growing for yield but some great flavors. The damn Pineapple chunk was less the a 1/4 and the mobydick was only 10g.