My 3000 Watt 40 Plant Grow Journal


Active Member
well so far nothing new to report we are at week 8 tomorrow, will put up some more pics. trichs still not ready almost though :)


Active Member
grow 008.jpggrow 006.jpggrow 025.jpggrow 024.jpggrow 007.jpggrow 019.jpggrow 016.jpggrow 018.jpggrow 020.jpggrow 021.jpggrow 017.jpggrow 022.jpggrow 011.jpghere are some pics today all trichs are cloudy and some amber i think its time????? but idk sh*t should i flush??? grow 023.jpg


Well-Known Member
That sure is one sexy fox tail ya got going on there! Looking really good motoxmom!!

The way I understand flushing is that it's harmful to your plants. It's something you don't find talked about in Ed Rosenthal's literature, which to me says it's not beneficial to your plants. Ed knows all IMO.

If you feel like you must flush, I would only do it for 3 days maximum. Directly after that give them ladies a good 36 hours of total darkness. What will make your smoke taste good is how you cure and for how long you cure, not flushing. Other than that I'm not a fan of flushing. Just my two cents!


Active Member
That sure is one sexy fox tail ya got going on there! Looking really good motoxmom!!

The way I understand flushing is that it's harmful to your plants. It's something you don't find talked about in Ed Rosenthal's literature, which to me says it's not beneficial to your plants. Ed knows all IMO.

If you feel like you must flush, I would only do it for 3 days maximum. Directly after that give them ladies a good 36 hours of total darkness. What will make your smoke taste good is how you cure and for how long you cure, not flushing. Other than that I'm not a fan of flushing. Just my two cents!

so i dont mean truly flush just water with water last 3 days or so. but i dont think i have time now buds are 50/50 amner milky so i believe tomorrow is harvest day. i was afraid if this that i didnt know how fast the trichs change. and idk if i can give em darkness because i have a few not finished? would it hurt the non finished ones?


Active Member
Crap. You missed the flushing time, lol. A lot of people have different opinions about flushing but from what I've read it really gets rid of the stored fertilizers that the plant has stored up, which otherwise would be still inside the buds. When the plant is cut, all of the stomata close to keep moisture and fertilizers in. So what you're left with is some bud that could have been a LOT better except for the fact that it wasn't flushed :( which will affect taste (and the fact that unflushed bud is yucky).

I guess you could either keep the plants in total darkness and just feed them water or, gradually ween them off of the fertilizers. It's too late for the second approach so I'd just try to flush them right away.


Awesome grow. I'm planning on a 3000 watt hps grow myself. I was wondering how much your electricity bill jumped? I'm pretty sketched out about that. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Crap. You missed the flushing time, lol. A lot of people have different opinions about flushing but from what I've read it really gets rid of the stored fertilizers that the plant has stored up, which otherwise would be still inside the buds. When the plant is cut, all of the stomata close to keep moisture and fertilizers in. So what you're left with is some bud that could have been a LOT better except for the fact that it wasn't flushed :( which will affect taste (and the fact that unflushed bud is yucky).

I guess you could either keep the plants in total darkness and just feed them water or, gradually ween them off of the fertilizers. It's too late for the second approach so I'd just try to flush them right away.
:wall: This is the most spread bad info in the growing community dude and you should not be making it worse. It will take 5 lifetimes to remove this myth but when I see it, I will let you know that you're dead wrong. I mean, what do you think you're doing when you flush anyway? Besides starving your plants of essential nutrients during it's final and most crucial stage in it's life, you're doing nothing to benefit yourself or your plants. You just cared for this plant for months and at the final stage you want it to starve? Seriously? You really need to do more research on the subject before suggesting awful advice to your fellow growers.

well luckily im usuing organics, so i was told its not as important to flush.
You don't need to flush at all, regardless if you're using organics or chemicals. When you feed your plants you're feeding the soil. The micro bacteria in the soil break down the nutrients and turn it into plant matter (in a nutshell). You cannot flush away plant matter!!... lol ugh. To have smooth great tasting smoke, it's all about drying and curing. Do that right and you'll have smooth and tasty buds to smoke. :weed:


Active Member
ok so the only buds ive been checking are the tops but if you go to the bottom ones are clear??? so im thinking maybe i will harvest some buds and leave some??


Active Member
:wall: This is the most spread bad info in the growing community dude and you should not be making it worse. It will take 5 lifetimes to remove this myth but when I see it, I will let you know that you're dead wrong. I mean, what do you think you're doing when you flush anyway? Besides starving your plants of essential nutrients during it's final and most crucial stage in it's life, you're doing nothing to benefit yourself or your plants. You just cared for this plant for months and at the final stage you want it to starve? Seriously? You really need to do more research on the subject before suggesting awful advice to your fellow growers.

You don't need to flush at all, regardless if you're using organics or chemicals. When you feed your plants you're feeding the soil. The micro bacteria in the soil break down the nutrients and turn it into plant matter (in a nutshell). You cannot flush away plant matter!!... lol ugh. To have smooth great tasting smoke, it's all about drying and curing. Do that right and you'll have smooth and tasty buds to smoke. :weed:
Whoah whoah whoah. Not trying to spread bad info around bro... I just didn't know. How can you hate on the ignorant for being ignorant? Is it not the duty of those that know better (like yourself) to educate and inform rather than to rebuke? Get off your high chair man.

I didn't know that organics don't flush. Chill. It also might be the fact that all of the growers I've ever met and all of the books I've ever read have encouraged the flush or at least a clearing solution.

I primarily study hydroponics. It is customary to flush your plants with clean water from time to time--not even at the flushing phase.


Rebel From The North
I would flush I know theres alot of opion on this but ive found I get a smoother better tasting smoke when flushed.
I flush for 2 weeks and as for the plant starving its at a time in its life where its not feeding as much and dont realy
need much to finish. yes your plant will yellow but in nature in the fall so does all plant getting close to the end of
life, so cutting back is more natural. some food for thought take it as you may.


Active Member
I would flush I know theres alot of opion on this but ive found I get a smoother better tasting smoke when flushed.
I flush for 2 weeks and as for the plant starving its at a time in its life where its not feeding as much and dont realy
need much to finish. yes your plant will yellow but in nature in the fall so does all plant getting close to the end of
life, so cutting back is more natural. some food for thought take it as you may.
My thoughts exactly. This is the reason why I described both types of flush. One that completely eliminates all fertilizer and one that is a gradual flush--much like the change of season in nature.

Of course if you use a cleaning solution you can feed your plants all the way up until 3 days before harvest.


Active Member
So here is my plan i have started watering with water only yesterday and tomorrow i am going to harvest the top buds that are finished. and leave the rest to rippen. So here is a debateable question??? trim wet or dry????


Rebel From The North
So here is my plan i have started watering with water only yesterday and tomorrow i am going to harvest the top buds that are finished. and leave the rest to rippen. So here is a debateable question??? trim wet or dry????
Trim wet.........


Well-Known Member
I don't know about in soil as I'm hydro
But u can deffo taste the difference
Between flushed and unflushed but
I've had complaints about crops
That I never flushed after wondering
If it really needed 2 b done lol
And my conclusion was yes lol
It just tastes better flushed


Well-Known Member
^^For hydro this is true. She is growing in soil with organics so IMO she doesn't need to flush. She can drown them in the dark for a few days but flushing for two weeks is ridiculous for anyone in soil.


Active Member
Although Ed Rosenthal does describe a way to dry out the plants before harvesting, I think that watering them all the way till the chop is important. If you think about how it goes in nature, the cannabis plant ends its life cycle in the fall--which is typically a wetter season. I just think it's more natural for the plant to be watered up until chop.


Rebel From The North
Although Ed Rosenthal does describe a way to dry out the plants before harvesting, I think that watering them all the way till the chop is important. If you think about how it goes in nature, the cannabis plant ends its life cycle in the fall--which is typically a wetter season. I just think it's more natural for the plant to be watered up until chop.
Im thinking the same thing