My 3rd grow your thoughts apprciated

Hello fellow RIUers

This is my 3rd grow and my plants look completely different from what I have seen from them in the past. Granted I have added more Lumens and moved to a vertical setup so the plants are under different conditions regardless but my plants are unbelievably bushy to the point where the leaves are literally choking out some of the budsites. Can you more experienced growers distinguish any problems with my plants that would cause this? Also FYI one of the lights in my grow room was left on 24/0 for the past 4-5 days because I asked my roommate to move the chandelier and he didn't plug it back into the timer but right back into the power strip. However, the plants were bushy like that before he messed up the light cycles. Any input you all can provide would be much appreciated.

Thank You


.1) Type and wattage of lights ///// 400w MH/HPS, CFL chandeler
.2) Distance from tops? //// 8 in
.3) Reflector type? Cooltube.
.4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?//// YES
.5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan? /////Yes
.6) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule? 400w and 360w, dont know, 12/12

.7) Specific brand and type of soil, ////FFOF w/25% perilite added and 1 cup of dolomite lyme and 1 cup humic acid
..9) Did you use peat pucks (or similar) to root clones or germinate seedlings? Clones grown in aeroponic cloner

nutrients and water:
10) Source of water? ///// 55 gallon reservoir
11) Method of checking water ph.//// PH PEN
12) Method of adjusting water ph. PH up and Down
14) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering? ///// water when pots light (usually 2 days) Nutes ever 3 waterings
15) Any additives or tea's? ///// 1 tbs molasses per gallon on no nute days
16) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate?
17) What is your ingoing water's ph? 6.0-6.5 I vary inbetween to hit all ranges18) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray? ///// foliar fed once with fish emulsion early in flowering

19) Indoors or outdoors? //// Indoors
20) What size of closet, room or hut? ///// 3X3X7 GROW TENT
21) What are the temps and humidity levels temps=65-75// Humidity 20-35%
22) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom? //// No

23) What strain are you growing? Nirvana Northern Lights
24) From seeds or clones? ////Clone
25) Is this an autoflower strain? ////// No





Well-Known Member
On first look it appears as though your plants are just not very tall.

But looking further at some of the formations of buds on the plant vs the leaves that are growing it could be heat related.

I've seen something similar from a cheese variety and a SENSI seeds Jack HERER that had been heat stressed during veg and flower.

Any problems during veg this run?

No heat stress during veg nor during flower. The only real problems that these plants had was that they got nute burned as clones but other than that they have been healthy. What exactly are the problems that you see with the bud formation?



Well-Known Member
I thought that they look different, but not unhealthy. (the lighting does not help)

....but I am way too new to comment authoritatively. I just
thought to chime in for the 200. We do appreciate your sharing!



Well-Known Member
No heat stress during veg nor during flower. The only real problems that these plants had was that they got nute burned as clones but other than that they have been healthy. What exactly are the problems that you see with the bud formation?


I see too much leaf and not much bud.

Stress is the number1 factor in problems.

It would help to get some non hps light pictures to get a good judge of plant colour etc.

Just took some pictures today of them without the HPS on and the floros overhead. Also these were flowered at only a foot or so tall due to time restrictions thats why they are so short.



Well-Known Member
Did you trim side growth? The previous poster made a good point...
...there are so many leaves along those main stalks....looks like the
side branches must be there, but are stunted or something.
(I was focusing on the second to last photo here)

This might be genetic...I am guessing. :0)

I cannot comment authoritatively, but wish you luck.

No I did not trim any side growth I went with a scrog last setup and was curious to see what a plant left to do its own thing would look like. That second to last photo is the runt of the bunch and was absolutely butchered to make clones so it perhaps isn't the best example of them.


Well-Known Member
Not too dark green. Colour is good.

Just looks like there is an unnatural amount of foliage to them.

Were these plants originally the clone donars?

It could just be one of those genetic dispositions.
