My 3week old plant!how am i doing?PICS


Well-Known Member
:joint:This is my 3 week(21days from seedling poped thro the soil.) old plant.

This is the only plant i have growing at this time, until i move back to california from Washington...anyways..and just started adding nute's this morning!
I water the plant every couple days..I let the soil get a little dry inbetween waterings.
The soil is MG.

a couple of the leave's have a little bit of Light burn on the tips. but other than that.
How am i doing so far?
Feedback anyone and everybody! :mrgreen:

plus, i added a photo of a Luggage carrier that i was thinking about growing in..(kind of make it into my little stealth grow box). I plan on adding a few CFL's inside of it and a mini PC fan for good ventalition.
IS this a good idea? Would it work?? :neutral:

check out the pics and lemme know what ya'll think!



Active Member
i reckon your light is too high the plant is stretching for it move the light closer what type of light you using ?


Well-Known Member
do not use that luggage carrier. you want something stable like wood . cuz youll be gettin into it alot more often later on . and im sure you dont want to keep zipping and unzipping.


Active Member
it looks pretty good so far, i dont think you would be able to grow a plant very big in a suitcase. useing computer fans is a good idea but you will need about two or three 150-200W CFL's they run about 60 bucks or so (give or take 10 dollars) otherwise you are doing great (if you dont absolutly have to be stealthy, you should try and keep it growing as much as possible


Well-Known Member
i just started adding nute's today ETTUBRUTUS.

i have a powder form, and a liquid form.
Today i used the liquid form and only used half the reccomended amount.

and i dont think the plant is stretching! Because the lights are NOT too far away. Im not exactly a newbie :) . The plant is a Sativa i beleve and is going to be tall. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah thats a spindly sickly plant, be very careful not to burn her anymore than she may already be, if your using MC you may not need nutes for a bit. and get her some more light asap, also if your planning on growing in something the size of that suitcase you are probably not far away from flowering. May want to try lollipopping or lst in a space that size. Good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah thats a spindly sickly plant, be very careful not to burn her anymore than she may already be, if your using MC you may not need nutes for a bit. and get her some more light asap, also if your planning on growing in something the size of that suitcase you are probably not far away from flowering. May want to try lollipopping or lst in a space that size. Good luck

Spindly sickly plant? Lmao ..what does that mean??
and i thought it was pretty small myself for 3 weeks!
But is it a decent size for 3 weeks? Or am i doing a shitty job?? lol:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
and why did u say get more lights??
how do u even know what lights im useing?
i could be useing 3 1000 watt HPS.
lol im not.. but u dont know that.


Well-Known Member
I really meant no offense, sorry if it came off that way. Your plant doesn't look like it's gonna die soon, but for 3 weeks that is a pretty small thin plant with less than perfect nodal spacing, which is why i suggested more light. A 3 week old plant that is well taken care of can be around 8 in. tall with many more nodes. If you are getting this type of quality out of 3 1000w lamps i suggest you return them asap, lol. If you are however, as I would assume, using a couple small cfl's get them as close to that lady as possible, and you might want to start with some small nutes (I can't remember if you said that you have or not). Either way I hope you get some good results from your plant and good luck. Sorry again if I came off a bit of a dick.


Well-Known Member
nah man, you werent coming off as a dick at all! just being honest and giving me your opinion, and thats what this site is for right? lol
i noticed this morning that my plant is growing very slow now..THe older its getting the slower is growing...Which means, i need MORE lights!!!

so today im gunna add 2 more CFLs...!!
and add a little more Nutes!!!
thanks Regrets!!


Active Member
If i could give my 2 cents i would suggest put a fan on that plant because mine was just a lil bit bigger than at 3 weeks then went into flowering and couldnt hold up its colas!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ive got a fan on it ! :)

and i looked at other peoples plants at 3 weeks old and mine looks better!
so i dont think im doing bad!! =)


New Member
Ive got a fan on it ! :)

and i looked at other peoples plants at 3 weeks old and mine looks better!
so i dont think im doing bad!! =)

okay im not trying to be a dick,
the plant overall looks to be a healthy bugger, however there does appear to be some nute burn on the plant. Mg soil has all the nutrients needed for the first bit of growth (actually it has too many nutes in it for my taste) so you shouldent need to be adding any nutes to it right now since the soil is formulated to give lots of nitrogen.

And the plant is stretched. not to the point that it isnt fixable by any means though. You need to keep your lights closer to it or make the surrounding area around it more reflective of the light your setup is producing.

other than that your doing WAYYY better than most noobies on this site, and regardless if your a total noob or not, you still are a noobie and have much learning to be doing


Well-Known Member
Okay!! i CANT put the lights any closer because it gets tooo hot and makes my leaves fold up terribly.. AND my electricity bill is 500.00 ..

SO. today im going to transplant it OUTSIDE!! Yes i said it, OUTSIDE!
I live near a forest looking area thats not even a block from my house..SO im going to transplant this one plant in an area surrounded by bushes and other plants but make sure its getting light from the sun!!

DONT TELL ME TO LOOK THRO THE FORUMS and everything else..Im not interested in that shit...I want YOUR opinions...
do i just dig a hole and transplant it and water it a little bit and check on it every few days????????


New Member
Okay!! i CANT put the lights any closer because it gets tooo hot and makes my leaves fold up terribly.. AND my electricity bill is 500.00 ..

SO. today im going to transplant it OUTSIDE!! Yes i said it, OUTSIDE!
I live near a forest looking area thats not even a block from my house..SO im going to transplant this one plant in an area surrounded by bushes and other plants but make sure its getting light from the sun!!

DONT TELL ME TO LOOK THRO THE FORUMS and everything else..Im not interested in that shit...I want YOUR opinions...
do i just dig a hole and transplant it and water it a little bit and check on it every few days????????
'cept when you normally just put dirt that you dug outta the hole, back in when you plant the plant, Put the best dirt you can get in there. and make sure that it isnt going to be looked over by people often.

other than that, watch it grow like it were under a light:hump:


Well-Known Member
OR...CAN I SWITCH TO 12/12 ... ANd get something outa my plant??? Even if its just a /8th of bud???
So what im saying is....Can i switch to 12/12 as early as it is into veg. and get something out of it???