My 400W tent - Nice mixed bag of tastey goodies- 12-12 from seed and more

joliet jake

Active Member
All 4 plants have just done incredibly well. Please share any opinions or anything. I think now that the heat issue is fixed they will grow very fast.For all these being 12-12 from seed they are looking great and for the ease of growing this way I dont think I will change back or ever grow autos again.

CH9 seeds- Afgan Haze below - also 12-12 from seed hz1.jpg 100_1258.jpg
this one is almost 67 days from seed - this baby has two massive colas shooting up and they are starting to fill in nicely.

This one below is called Reserva Privada confidential cheese Sprouted 1/15 under 12-12 since seed ch2.jpgch1.jpg this one is amazing for a 12-12 plant. Its just one massive bud getting very thick.
this one is almost 73 days from seed

My Reserva Privada Purple Wreck - also 12-12 from seed and has really stretched up and is very tall. pw1.jpgpw2.jpg
this one is almost 44 days from seed

my newest one is a pure sativa called Mozambique Poison - it has taken off but I cant tell if its a female or not. If anyone can tell let me know. I was hoping for more stretch with this one but that hasent happened.
this one is almost 23 days from seed mp2.jpgmp1.jpg finally starting to fill in but still very short and its a sativa too.

hz n pw.jpg
a mix of pics- the haze is in the back left, purple wreck back right



Well-Known Member
You were not lying, you have some treasure in there. You have them spread them pretty good. I have them from 13 days to 65 days. Plus I have 11 clones. It's looks like a couple of them are almost ready. Good

joliet jake

Active Member
Yea I am trying to decide what to sprout next. I will start one or two more this weekend.
I think another 2 to 3 weeks on those two older ones at least then I will start looking at them closely. That cheese plant is just amazing and smells oh so nice.
This tent is just my personal stuff so 4 or 5 plants should do me well.

Its also so nice to fix that heat issue as i can get that light around 12" from the tops vs. 18+ before. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I only grow for myself and friends. I am like the old hippies who share with guests. Well I getting old, 54. You use fem or reg. seeds? I have two clones almost ready, I get clones for free, so don't turn that down. I like cheese, I have a Purple Haze that smell

joliet jake

Active Member
Yea my brother helps me with my grow so we share but my wife doent smoke that's a plus for me :)

my idiot neighbor grows outside and I get paranoid cause at times I can smell his grow but I keep mine so under control that no one knows I grow except the people close to me.
I do mostly use fem seeds as I dont have many plants or room to mess with on having males but my plan is to have 4 fems going at all times and 1 or 2 regular seeds like my sativa poison I have going.


Well-Known Member
At least I don't worry smell, thank god. I have MME so get to grow legal.
I have a friend's that quit smoking, and his son lives with me and has one, so I can have 36 plant, which is a lot spread out like I have it. Off to roof a house before snow tomorrow...Take

joliet jake

Active Member
I just got these a month ago in and the last one I tried to sprout died when the cup it was in fell over during the night. So here are some pics of a new one getting set up to germinate.

this seed is the Pre98 Bubba Kush from Cali Connection.

I will post as soon as its in a cup and i hope in 3 days or so.
This is how I germ. I put the wet town in an open zip lock then in a cd case to keep it dark then in a warm place.


As soon as this one is going I will start another type soon.


Wow looks great. I have a 400 watt set up myself, not as nice as yours though. How do you like those pots your using?, i can't think of their name atm.
I have 2 plants going 12/12 from seed atm. They are ~25 days in (i don't know the exact day cause of lost journals). When did you start to see if yours were male or female? Mine both are already showing signs of being female. They are only 3-4 inches though, its crazy. Good luck and can't wait to see the results

joliet jake

Active Member
Thanks very much- yea I finally got my tent to this level and it now runs very efficiently and cool. Costs a few bucks but I can run about 6 plants in here fairly comfortably.

yea Airpots, I hate them and I don't think I will use them again. I am sure they are nice for others but I find myself watering to often. I don't know if the airpots help but my grow looks damn good.

I have almost all my plants are from fem seeds as I just find it easier with such limited space but my smaller sativa plant is a regular seed but its looking like a female more and more but I cant tell yet. How do you tell?
So yea I will keep this updated and so far so good.

joliet jake

Active Member
many thanks

i will try to get better pics but take a look at my Mozambique Poison
It does look like it wants to flower and it looks like a female but I wil look much closer and see if i can tell.


Well-Known Member
Yes it in preflower. Take pic at top where branches split, there should be these hairs. I growing a Waszulu, African strain, grow like

joliet jake

Active Member
Yea i am stoned and took a shitload of pics-

figure them out. hehe. :joint:

they look and smell amazing. Check out my seed that already sprouted in 24 hours. I wil go put it in soil here soon.

so check out my random shit...

Back right is the Reserva Privada Purple Wreck
back left is the afgan haze CH9 seeds
front left is the
Mozambique Poison
and front right is the
Reserva Privada conf cheese


SO it has been confirmed by my eyes and i hope others see it but my Mozambique Poison is looking like its a female with little white hairs- I am so happy as this one will be a long grow and i hope it gets large. Its a sativa so it should.

check it all out. :)

I made my quiet fan very quiet and i now see that I need to clean my bong.


Well-Known Member
Those look like the right hairs. If your poison grows anything like this waszula it will grow fast, steal water and light from other plants, it a mean Best part of this is the Bong

joliet jake

Active Member
So my newest sprouted today and its her first day in 12-12 land. 100_1340.jpg
Its my Pre98 Bubba Kush from Cali Connection
We will call this day one

And the rest of the gang is here too

The Afghan haze

The Conf Cheese is one massive bud

My kickin ass sativa is looking nice with those little flowers coming in.

and my purple wreck



Well-Known Member
Well mine is a lot like yours but with perhaps even more going tent is for cannabis and it is packed with all sorts of things...and I have a seperate but exact same flowering that is a little different...I am hoping to keep some moms in the veg tent and then 12/12 straight from clone...I am hoping it works out well, because so far what I have been doing is taking a clone and then flowering the original and then vegging that clone while the original finished...I started with one plant and one tent, and that idea was not working at I ordered a few new strains and now everything is more than Because now when I take a clone and flower the original the clone ends up 3 x the size of the original by the time it is finished...I spent a lot of time vegging a couple of the plants I have in flower, so they are huge and I can't possibly move anything else over until something in there now finishes...I want to try to do 12/12 in 1 gallon pots...that way I can flower more different plants at once...and just because I don't have room or energy to keep lugging aroung 7 gallon pots whewn they are wet...before watering no problem...after watering...that is the issue...a gallon of water weighs around 8.5 a 7 gallon pot fill of soil weighs a lot when oyu also fill it with So are you doing these from seed?

joliet jake

Active Member
Hello Missnu,
You will enjoy this style so you should give it a try. Take a look at my newest sprout and this is how I have done all the others.
I am using just under 2 gal pots and they seem perfect. but i have seen others use smaller and they work out just fine. I like having many different strains going at once and they are all directly 12-12 from seed, no vegging at all since I don't have a second tent any longer.
It seems like its not working and the plants start off very slowly but as you can see by my grows they quickly get large and full of buds with such ease. :weed:

joliet jake

Active Member
Things are looking real good

I want to wait as long as possible on these two oldest ones

My Reserva Privada conf cheese and the afghan haze CH9 seeds are both around 75 days +
