My 4x4 Indoor Grow Tent; Grow


for the past week or two ive been giving the plants just pH balanced water to make sure i didnt over feed them. im now giving them 1/2 strenght nutes.

any particular reason your asking? do they look healthy? do they look hungry? any input is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It looked like they were nute burned

But i wonder why those bottom leaves on the strawberry 1 are yellowing..

What are the temps?


My canopy temp is 85. Through out the tent I'd say they are 68-72ish. I just installed a huge floor a/c unit and have fans blowing into the tent until I can set up ducting.


Well-Known Member
Okay, keep an eye on the yellowing... But i think your safe your plants are lookin healthy


Thanks for all the positive feed back, Wemp.

I gave a little tug on the yellowing leaves and they popped right out.

I'm not much more yellowing anywhere else on the plant, so I'm just kind of ruling the yellowing to
old growth.

What I have noticed is that these babies get thirsty!!! I'm using on average a gallon of water per watering for the 6 plants. This is my first grow of this size, so I'm kinda guessing this is normal.

Otherwise everything is growing great. New growth almost every day & bushiness increasing as the days go by. I'm hopefully going today for my 600W HPS setup, so we'll see what happens!


Well-Known Member
i got a question for you guys..

do you think my strawberries and big enough to fim? to try & get some new growth?

if your thinking of FIM'ing i'd honestly leave the strawberrys the way they are and top(not fim, fim takes to long to recover.) the AI's. topping is best done at 4'th node (4'th set of true leaves.)

they need #1 MORE light, OR the lights to be closer. if you top with the lights close, the floral hormones pushed lower into the plant will force the plant to "Bush out", the plant will have many more budsites this way.

you could allways take the whole top off of the strawberries and clone them. top them at 4'th node like you would normaly, and use the large top to make a large clone. get 3 strawberries, one you could turn into a mother.

Thanks for all the positive feed back, Wemp.

I gave a little tug on the yellowing leaves and they popped right out.

I'm not much more yellowing anywhere else on the plant, so I'm just kind of ruling the yellowing to
old growth.
yea, this is the way to go. when you see people saying "chop off fan leaves so light can get to the bottom" this is NOT the thing you want to do, the fan leaves are the entire life support system for sunlight to be absorbed into the plant so......... just take off the yellowing leaves from the bottom :D. leaves the plant are still using will give resistance, if you feel resistance stop pulling, toy could do more harm than good to the plant by taking that leaf off.

What I have noticed is that these babies get thirsty!!! I'm using on average a gallon of water per watering for the 6 plants. This is my first grow of this size, so I'm kinda guessing this is normal.

Otherwise everything is growing great. New growth almost every day & bushiness increasing as the days go by. I'm hopefully going today for my 600W HPS setup, so we'll see what happens!
haha! you think they drink lots now? wait untill that HPS is up and running! (its a gooood thing)
since your growing in smaller pots there going to start to drink ALOT of water when they start into flowering under that HPS.

im loving this grow. reminds me alot of my set-up. gota subscribe :D



thanks for the info! I can't imaging them taking too much more water! haha Im gonna

Thanks for the idea about cloning my top on the strawberries and topping my AI's! I thought about it, and now that you've suggested it I think I'll give it a shot.

I'm gonna do a little research on topping and give it a shot.

Ill post pics of my results (crosses-fingers)



strawberry #1 top:

strawberry #2 top:

strawberry #3 top:

i did about 20 minutes of research and found out that its possible to clone in rapidrooters.. so we'll see what happens. I soak the RR's in water and stuck in the tops. ill let you guys know as they develope. im sure ill know by tomorrow morning if thcey're not dead.

clone attempt:

garden shot:

thanks for looking..



Well-Known Member
Did you make sure everything was clean before making cuts?
Did you cut the bottom of the stems at a 45degree angle?
Did you put some sort of clear cover over those clones to keep humidity up around 95%-100% and around 75-78 degree's?

You should have no problems!

Your plants are looking good.

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie


I used a new sterile razor blade. I didnt however cut them at a 45 degree angle. You think taking them out now and giving them a snip will be too late?

edit: just put a 'dome' over the plants to keep it nice and humid in there


Well-Known Member
I used a new sterile razor blade. I didnt however cut them at a 45 degree angle. You think taking them out now and giving them a snip will be too late?

edit: just put a 'dome' over the plants to keep it nice and humid in there
Nah dont worry bout it... It will just have less roots...

Next time just cut the stem in half legthways... then roots grow on the inside of the stem aswell


The 'clones' are not dead yet - the leaves are still green and kind of upright..

pics will be up tonight when i get home


got my new set up today.. heres some new pics

AI #1:

AI #2:

AI #3:

strawberry #1:

strawberry #2:

strawberry #3:

the 'clones':

the garden:


Well-Known Member
The clones root yet?

I would put a dome over them to keep humidity high

But the plants are looking great man :hump:



thanks a lot. they're growin like crazy. it seems like if i walk away from them for a few hours and come back to check on them theyve got some kind of new growth. its cool as hell to just watch them grow

i have a dome over the clones i just took it off to snap a picture of them.

thanks for lookin



ha nah its cool.

just got home and checked on them. after topping the re-growth on the starwberries was a little slow..

3" of growth just today on my SB #2