My 4x4 Indoor Grow Tent; Grow


A little update for anyone whose been following.

The growth I'm seeing on these plants since I've switched to HPS is unreal. I expected to see some more growth but this is nuts!

Anyway - I can't get pics right now because it's lights out. Last night was the first night that I switched it to 12/12

I'll post some pics as soon as lights come on.

Also - I switched my soil to Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

thanks for checkin



i got another question for you guys...

once i verify the female thinking about cutting a clone off of each and flowering that clone right from trim.

im not familiar with cloning so i dont know how this would work.




Well-Known Member
You need to put the clone under 18/6 lighting in another room or box so that she will root
A cut clone is not a plant that will grow until it roots
You can cut clones off a flowering plant as long as it is like a week or two into flower



My camera is fucked. Its gettin fixed under warranty and should be here today.


i dont really know where to start. as far as overall growth, ive had to raise my light about a foot in the past week.

on the two bigger AI's ive noticed some yellowing on the tips. im saying its a little bit of nute burn - but the plants aren't on anything.

even when in veg, they were getting pure water for the second half their veg cycle. the day i switched to flowering cycle i switched to fox farm ocean forest

im going to give them just water for about another 2 weeks then start light on the nutes @ approx. 1ml/gal

its been a week today that the plants are in flower... when should i start to see any kind of bud growth?

week 2? week 3?

thanks for lookin
