My 6ft plant froze from frost!! Help please

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
so i went outside quickly before my bus got here to go to school,
and my plant is literally frozen solid from our first frost,, from the looks of it..

i dont know what to do... its not ready to pull, its about 4-5 weeks into flowering.
ive left it in for now im going to go out after school and take some photos of her for you guys.

if you guys could please tell me will my plant be ok, is it dead? will it live? whats going on with her!


Well-Known Member
If it's that froze she's a gonner. Usually plants can survive the first few frosts but I guess it all depends on the environment and strain genetics. If I were you I'd just get what bud you can and call it a early harvest.

guerilla kid

Active Member
agree with rollbluntz.

imagine the mold on your plants what will develop once your plants have 'defrosted' if you like.

you could experiment by taking most of the buds off it and leaving some on, this way if she doesn't pull through, you've still got some bud off her anyways.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to here that man. I had to cut down my last outdoor girl yesterday because of the frost. Sativas don't do well in the colder climates because their flowering period is so long.
cut it down and put it next to a dehumidifier to thaw out you might be able to save a little bit. Lesson #1 when outdoors, watch the frickin weather reports


Well-Known Member
cut it down and put it next to a dehumidifier to thaw out you might be able to save a little bit. Lesson #1 when outdoors, watch the frickin weather reports
You know what I learned from growing outdoors, don't unless you're somewhere tropical. Windstorm leveled my big girl 2 weeks ago. Watching the weather just makes you stress more.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
Well guys I'm going to check my girl after school,, and post some pics of her then.
I'm hopeing she is fine if not then I'll just harvest early I'm sure shell
be fine


Active Member
Just throw her in the microwave on defrost :) Hope she'll be fine, it could have just been a light morning frost. In that case she should be fine bro. Just ask your biology teacher :)


Well-Known Member
don't rush it kid. by the time you get your snack after school and go check on it, you will be able to make the choice of whacking it down or not. It really all depends on your local 5 day weather forcasts!

But if the leaves are down when you get home from school..the plant should come down too.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
If your having some nice sunny weather to defrost her she may have a chance, try piling some grass clippings around the base of the plant as they decompose they release heat.


Well-Known Member
You know what I learned from growing outdoors, don't unless you're somewhere tropical. Windstorm leveled my big girl 2 weeks ago. Watching the weather just makes you stress more.
So basically you're saying don't grow outdoors unless you're within 23 degrees of the equator. Okay.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
i have decided to pull it good thing i did pull her last night because it fucking frosted again this morning.
i will be posting a new form tonight after i am done trimming to show you guys how much i got of the little,, sorry BIG GUY.
thanks for all the help guys.
hey buddy. i hear ya with regards to the frost. I've had frost hit my plants the last two days and they are fine. To see if your plant is dead b/c of frost, breathe on the fan leaves. If you see them perk up, your plant is fine. It takes a pretty big frost to kill them.


Well-Known Member
give them a good water in the evenings safeguards against frost, Fuck i'm happy I live near the tropics year round growing :)