my 6x8 shed first time indoor scrog official thread


Well-Known Member
im still fighting ive been using foggers and neem oil and i still see them crawling around. i bombed like 3 times and have been using the safer spray but they are lookin pretty good still i try and get some pics up in a little while


Well-Known Member
latetest pics. still have mites but much less i think. plants look decent i guess considering. yellowing on some new growth in the center of grow not sure why maybe too close to light ? bud sites everywhere even under the ones u see there are tons that want out. frustrated with mite prob been using perithisomthing fogger and sprays and neem oil and "safer pest and mold control" i did every thing but drop nukes on those fuckers but i still see them crawlin under mag glass. some of the bud hairs on some of the buds are browning im wondering if its from the sprays gettin them wet and then the light frying them. im still using lucas flower formula does anyone think i have a nute over or under or defficiancy of some sort causing yellowing in center of grow?? evryone please input what u think



Well-Known Member
Have you looked into ordering a box of ladybugs for your last half of flower? Would hate to see it ruined. Ladybugs will get in all the corners, eat the eggs, everything, you will know they are gone if they ladybugs starve and die.


Well-Known Member
i thought about it but i didnt want to kill the ladybugs with the bomb do u think ishould order ladbugs then bomb once more ant then put lady bugs in when they get here?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I would. I dont think you want to use chems all the way through flower.

Use up your last bug bomb, let it air out good, then get the ladybugs in there.

Put a few in there, maybe half at first, just in case the residual chems kill them, you dont want to have the whole box wasted. Thats the only thing I would be careful of make sure it gets aired out good.

But if you get some ladybugs in there they will go nuts on the mites, especially hungry ladybugs that have been in a box for a week.:bigjoint:

And best of all, other then some dead ladybugs on the floor, they will have absolutely no other effects other than eating bugs.


Well-Known Member
Make sure when you are spraying for mites to spray under the leaf. Also, I spray about 90 minutes before my lights go out. This avoids burning the leaves and keeps the humidity up around the plants. I am still spraying every week to keep the mites at bay


Well-Known Member
Make sure when you are spraying for mites to spray under the leaf. Also, I spray about 90 minutes before my lights go out. This avoids burning the leaves and keeps the humidity up around the plants. I am still spraying every week to keep the mites at bay
what u spraying with and arent u done with current grow? u spray all through flower and were ok?


Well-Known Member
im worried about mold cuz the neem oil spray is 1 gal water to 2 tbls of oil and im afraid it will cause mold if i use it to far into flower


Well-Known Member
I am using neem oil, following the instructions on the bottle. I think it is 1/2 tsp neem oil and 1 1/2 tsp of dish soap to 1 quart of water. I have a continuous operation with three flowering zones and then a veg room. I thought I had the mites beaten, but they keep coming back so now I am spraying all my plants every 3 to 4 days.

I try not to spray the top colas that are a week from cutting, just because it leaves a slight hint of the neem oil. None of my friends have complained about tasting anything on the buds so I think it is ok.

what u spraying with and arent u done with current grow? u spray all through flower and were ok?


Well-Known Member
after seeing so many closet grows it is soooooooooo nice to see such a set up. Did you have to use a 220 for the light??? Great job. +rep +rep for you!


Well-Known Member
heres a little invention i made to feed the hard to get pots in the scrog i just pour it in the top thru a funnel and maybe these pics show the yellowing im talkin bout. is it cuz its to close to the light? cuz its mainly in the center where i see this problem



Well-Known Member
you should rig up a pump with a drip line to feed those ladies.

heres a little invention i made to feed the hard to get pots in the scrog i just pour it in the top thru a funnel and maybe these pics show the yellowing im talkin bout. is it cuz its to close to the light? cuz its mainly in the center where i see this problem


Well-Known Member
use a small irrigation pump from any home center connected to a 1/2 plastic pipe that reduces to individual drip lines that run to each pot. you make up some solution in a bucket and submerge the pump. it will feed each pot from on spot. you just need the drip heads on the end of the line so each pot gets the same amount of water.

any suggestions i dont have much room


Well-Known Member
latest crappy pics

