my 911 plant


Active Member
I am female first time grower. I have two seedlings that are about a week and a half old. This is my first one and the first time I saw her was on 9/11. Her leaves have been yellow for a few days. I have tried dif. things, but nothing seems to be working. Today I put her inside a little dome to see if I can bring the humidity up. Her leaves are also crispy.

I have another one that is growing in same conditions and is doing great. The only difference is the soil. Any input guys?


Well-Known Member
My guess is that the yellowing one is in a type of soil that has nutrients in it. Thats gonna be your problem. Never put babies in a type of soil that has nutrients in it.


Active Member
Is actually the same soil, but i added perlite, vermicullite and sphagnum moss to the one that is doing better........i only put water, but one crazy night I added very little foxfarm big grow diluted to 1/4 because I read that it could be lacking nitrogen......anyway, what can i do now?


Well-Known Member
Is actually the same soil, but i added perlite, vermicullite and sphagnum moss to the one that is doing better........i only put water, but one crazy night I added very little foxfarm big grow diluted to 1/4 because I read that it could be lacking nitrogen......anyway, what can i do now?
Flush the soil.


Active Member
I water it every third day until a little water shows from the bottom. In the beginning I was watering it too much, but I stopped after a few days.


Well-Known Member
You may have suffocated the roots on the yellow one from overwatering. I would transplant it very carefully into the mix that you made for the other one. You may notice that the roots have turned brown when you look while transplanting. The stuff you put in the other soil aerates and loosens the soil. was the original soil just dirt? Or a potting mix? Sphagnum peat moss can get acidic from overwatering, so always water less than you think you should. I'm an oldtimer and always watered from the bottom into the tray, then poured off any water left after 2 minutes. Roots grow down towards the water supply as they do in nature. Rain water accumulates deep in the soil , not on the top. If it rained every day plants would eventually drown, they live off the water down under. Also the soil additives HOLD water, so let them get pretty dry between waterings. TOO MUCH LOVE KILLS, this is a weed, not some magic plant. If your sick one dies, take some cuttings and put them under the dome when the healthy one dies. Being a girl, maybe you're not to proud or stubborn to take my advice. PLEASE buy a Marijuana Grow Book and be very careful about taking advice from anyone on these sites, as I see SO MUCH MISINFORMATION given here, because so many people really don't know much. They think cuz their plant grew that they are experts and they SPEW WIVESTALES which are not from any actual scientific knowledge. I'm not claiming to be an expert, but 25yrs growing outside taught me a lot. The most important thing was to READ what the EXPERTS TEACH, like ED ROSENTHAL'S books, not what some kid says here


Well-Known Member
All soil has nutes in it. Soiless mixes don't,mixes like Pro Mix have a beginning dose, but that is all. Bagged comercial potting mixes are soil with humus and any combination of soil amendments and types of fertilizers. Pot growing soils can have enough fertilizers to last the entire grow without any need for more. Where some need additional fertilizer after a few weeks. there is no general answer to her question and a person would need to know the specifics to her grow to make a realistic diagnosis whether to flush or not. If overwatering was the problem originally, flushing the soil will only make it worse. One thing that was said IS correct and that is not to fertilize for a couple weeks with babies and transplants. And then again, to fertilize at that time would depend on the type of mix that was used. I always liked to start in soiless mix for babies with no added fert. and after 2 weeks I could easily control how much fertilizer my plants would get. Then I could transplant into the rich fert soils for pot plants when they got big enough for transplantbongsmilie NUF SAID


Active Member
Thank you for all the great information. I planted it in some commercial (Long Island estate or something like that) natural and organic commercial soil that my girlfriend bought me. I didn't think it was the best because it didnt list any nutrient but used it so she wouldn't feel bad. That's why I added nutrients and minerals. I don't know a lot, but I am getting there. I got the book as soon as I started this project. I got The Cannabis Grow Bibke by Greg Green. I love it, lots of let me get what you are water from the bottom you never pour any water from top? ever? wow! never heard or read of that if I transplanted should I do it to like a 2 gal. pot or to another little one?.......and if is a little one how do I get rid of soil by the roots?......this is scary, they are like my kids......don't want to hurt them...........

If your sick one dies, take some cuttings and put them under the dome when the healthy one dies.......I don't understand what you mean by this........why would the healthy one die?

soiless mix? Sorry I have so many questions.....trying to absorb as much information as I can.................Thank you again. Have to go to work now..............have a peaceful day......


Active Member
i just checked the soil mixture that i had made and it has mold on top. can anyone tell me if i can still use it? it was a lot! i got foxfarm original planting mix (they didnt have the ocean forrest one) and im going to try and transplant the little girl.............


Well-Known Member
good deal i am all about foxform fertz and nutes. you would rather pu the babies in the light warrior than the ocean forest thats for after. later