My aim is to get over 12 lbs off 6 plants

Bit of a update on the plants. They are starting to look a lot better now and showing signs of some very nice budding. Summer really starting hit here now a very hot day again and the room holding up well. I did pull about 10 old leave off them just make it look a little better DSC01720.JPG DSC01717.JPG DSC01718.JPG DSC01719.JPG DSC01722.JPG
In a tiny room? With NO AC?! I'm subbed just to see how he avoids the meltdown.
As long as enough air is being exchanged and the canopy stays far enough away from the bulbs I don't see him running into any melt down situations. Them gavita master controllers are amazing and can be set to automatically dim if your room gets passed your set temp. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he got over 2 packs per light them gavitas kill it! We'll just have to wait and see!
As long as enough air is being exchanged and the canopy stays far enough away from the bulbs I don't see him running into any melt down situations. Them gavita master controllers are amazing and can be set to automatically dim if your room gets passed your set temp. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he got over 2 packs per light them gavitas kill it! We'll just have to wait and see!
Yes spot on you seem to no your shit. We can get very high temp here it can get over 110 here so when you dealing with temp like that. You have to have very big fans
Well had a cool change it dropped over 40 degrees from yesterday. And as I was saying I been doing a little bit of fine turning to the room. One of the thing I change was my ring feeders that I make up. This is one of the new ones I have made up its a bit bigger in outlet so it will never block up. And I put the master controller up to 105% now and will rise it %5 each week for the next 2 weeksDSC01727.JPG DSC01726.JPG DSC01725.JPG DSC01723.JPG DSC01724.JPG
I was going few my email and find one from Gavita up to 600 lights of one controller

The B200 booster enables you to expand the number of e-series fixtures you can control with your Gavita Master Controller EL series, by adding more output ports.

Standard, every controller port can control 50 fixtures. Adding the B200 expands your system with 4 ports controlling 50 fixtures for every booster you add.

So every added booster controls a whopping 200 fixtures! You can even add multiple boosters to expand to 400 or even 600 fixtures per controller output.
Looks to be some food and or watering issues IMO ....those plants need to be top top marathon condition to pull your expected numbers .....I don't see it ...but either way GL on that
I mean really he's only trying to pull g per watt could do it I mean I pull 8 off of 4 1000w granted mine look happier but not a far-fetched shot
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I mean really he's only trying to pull g per watt could do it I mean I pull 8 off of 4 1000w granted mine look happier but not a far-fetched shot
I would love to put more plant in but don't have the room some of these plants are over 1500 wide. And over here in state that I am in as long as you keep your grow under 10 plants its a slap on the wrist with small fine